Anesthesia and analgesia
Postpartum neurological complications occur in up to 1% of deliveries. Often prior anesthetic procedures are blamed, with medicolegal implications. ⋯ After neurological assessment some 5 mo later she tested positive for the common hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies mutation that was a likely contributing factor in the development of her postpartum neuropathy. Anesthesiologists should consider hereditary neuropathies in the differential diagnosis of postpartum or postsurgical neurological deficits if there is a suggestive clinical history.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 2005
Retrograde submental intubation by pharyngeal loop technique in a patient with faciomaxillary trauma and restricted mouth opening.
Submental intubation is useful for airway management during maxillofacial surgery when both nasal and orotracheal intubation are deemed unsuitable and to avoid a tracheostomy, especially when long-term ventilatory support is not required in the postoperative period. Adequate mouth opening is a prerequisite for all the techniques described for submental intubation, as the initial step is orotracheal intubation. ⋯ We describe the technique of retrograde submental intubation with the help of a pharyngeal loop assembly for the first time in a patient with maxillofacial trauma and restricted mouth opening in whom oral and nasal intubations were not possible and tracheostomy was the only alternative. In this case report, with successful retrograde submental intubation, the potential complications associated with a short-term tracheostomy were avoided, as there was no indication for keeping a tracheostomy during the postoperative period.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 2005
Does methemoglobin from oxidized hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (hemoglobin Glutamer-200) interfere with lactate measurement (YSI 2700 SELECT Biochemistry Analyzer)?
In this study, we validated the accuracy of lactate measurements (YSI 2700 SELECT glucose/lactate analyzer) in the presence of methemoglobin from an oxidized bag of hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (Met-HBOC), hemoglobin glutamer-200 (Oxyglobin; Biopure Corp). Different combinations of concentrated L-lactate solution, pooled canine plasma, and Plasmalyte A were added to 4 sample groups (1%, 10%, 20%, and 40% Met-HBOC [1.3 g/dL]) to yield linear increases in lactate concentration in consecutive samples. The mean difference between measured and calculated lactate was -5.1 mg/dL (1% Met-HBOC), -5.8 mg/dL (10% Met-HBOC), -4.6 mg (20% Met-HBOC), and -8.5 mg/dL (40% Met-HBOC). ⋯ The Bland-Altman correlation (r) was r = -0.94 (P = 0.01), r = -0.91 (P < 0.001), r = -0.90 (P < 0.001), and r = -0.94 (P < 0.001), respectively, where r = 0 for perfect agreement between measured and calculated values. Results indicate that true lactate levels in the presence of Met-HBOC are underestimated when measured by an YSI 2700 analyzer independent of the amount of Met-HBOC present. When interpreting lactate concentrations from a patient with a HBOC present in plasma, underestimation of true lactate levels may occur unrelated to methemoglobin concentrations.