Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2010
In normal controls, both age and gender affect coagulability as measured by thrombelastography.
Our objective was to analyze the effects of age, gender, and the use of oral contraceptives (OCs) on coagulation using thrombelastography (TEG), a single test to analyze both plasma coagulation factors and cellular elements in whole blood. ⋯ Aging, female gender, use of OCs, and low-normal hematocrit levels have significant procoagulant effects. TEG measurements in native and recalcified citrated blood are not interchangeable, as indicated by differences between the 2 measurements ranging from 20% in maximal amplitude to 246% in clotting time. Furthermore, the limits of agreement strongly exceeded clinical acceptability to conclude interchangeability.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2010
Prospective trial of thoracic and spine surgeons' updating of their estimated case durations at the start of cases.
Surgeon estimates of case durations are important for operating room (OR) management decision making because many cases are rare combinations of procedures with few or no historical data. Thoracic and spine surgeons updated their scheduled OR times on the day of surgery just before the "time out" in the OR. ⋯ A systematic program of routinely and/or always asking for updated case duration predictions will not substantively improve OR management decision making. However, when a change in surgical approach, surgical procedure, or anesthetic procedure is identified (e.g., at the intraoperative briefing before case start), the updated estimate of case duration should be used, because such updates are not worse and often better than original estimates.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2010
Meta AnalysisCochrane corner: hypothermia for neuroprotection in adults after cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Good neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest is hard to achieve. Interventions during the resuscitation phase and treatment within the first hours after the event are critical. Experimental evidence suggests that therapeutic hypothermia is beneficial, and a number of clinical studies on this subject have been published. ⋯ Conventional cooling methods to induce mild therapeutic hypothermia seem to improve survival and neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. Our review supports the current best medical practice as recommended by the International Resuscitation Guidelines.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2010
Randomized Controlled TrialPerioperative pregabalin improves pain and functional outcomes 3 months after lumbar discectomy.
Patient outcome after lumbar discectomy for radicular low back pain is variable and the benefit is inconsistent. Many patients continue to experience pain 3 months after surgery. Pregabalin, a membrane stabilizer, may decrease perioperative central sensitization and subsequent persistent pain. ⋯ Perioperative pregabalin administration is associated with less pain intensity and improved functional outcomes 3 months after lumbar discectomy.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2010
Randomized Controlled TrialThe effects of parental presence in the postanesthetic care unit on children's postoperative behavior: a prospective, randomized, controlled study.
The effects on children of parental presence in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) have not been extensively studied. The few published studies are retrospective, nonrandomized, or lack adequate controls. They suggest that parental presence in the PACU decreases crying and negative behavior change postoperatively. We performed this prospective, randomized, controlled study to determine whether the presence of a parent affected crying behaviors in the PACU and behavior change 2 weeks postoperatively. ⋯ For fit healthy children undergoing outpatient surgery, parental presence in the PACU decreases negative behavior change at 2 weeks postoperatively but makes no difference in crying in the PACU. Future studies of behavior change postoperatively should consider parental presence in the PACU a factor and determine whether the effect persists with other interventions.