Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jul 2017
Randomized Controlled TrialEffects of a Lidocaine-Loaded Poloxamer/Alginate/CaCl2 Mixture on Postoperative Pain and Adhesion in a Rat Model of Incisional Pain.
Pain and adhesion are problematic issues after surgery. Lidocaine has analgesics and anti-inflammatory properties, and poloxamer/alginate/CaCl2 (PACM) is a known antiadhesive agent. We hypothesized that the novel combination of lidocaine as chemical barrier and PACM as physical barrier would be beneficial for both postoperative pain and adhesion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of lidocaine-loaded PACM in a rat model of incisional pain. Primary outcome was to evaluate between-group differences for the mechanical withdrawal threshold (MWT) measured by von Frey filament in various concentrations of lidocaine-loaded PACM applied, PACM applied, and sham-operated groups. ⋯ Lidocaine-loaded PACM reduced postoperative pain, and lidocaine strengthened the antiadhesive effect of PACM.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jul 2017
Pectoralis and Serratus Fascial Plane Blocks Each Provide Early Analgesic Benefits Following Ambulatory Breast Cancer Surgery: A Retrospective Propensity-Matched Cohort Study.
Pectoralis and serratus blocks have been described recently for use in breast surgery, but evidence supporting their analgesic benefits is limited. This cohort study evaluates the benefits of adding a pectoralis or serratus block to conventional opioid-based analgesia (control) in patients who underwent ambulatory breast cancer surgery at Women's College Hospital between July 2013 and May 2015. We tested the joint hypothesis that adding a pectoralis or serratus block reduced postoperative in-hospital (predischarge) opioid consumption and nausea and vomiting (PONV). We also examined the 2 block types for noninferiority. ⋯ Pectoralis and serratus blocks were each associated with a reduction in postoperative in-hospital opioid consumption and PONV compared with conventional opioid-based analgesia after ambulatory breast cancer surgery.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jul 2017
Norepinephrine Intermittent Intravenous Boluses to Prevent Hypotension During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery: A Sequential Allocation Dose-Finding Study.
The use of phenylephrine as the first-line agent for prevention and treatment of maternal hypotension during cesarean delivery (CD) may reduce cardiac output, posing a theoretical risk to mother and fetus. Norepinephrine has been suggested as a potential alternative, because its β-adrenergic effects might result in greater heart rate and cardiac output than phenylephrine. The use of norepinephrine to prevent and treat hypotension during CD is new, and its use as a bolus has not been fully determined in this context. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective norepinephrine dose, when given as intermittent intravenous (IV) boluses, to prevent postspinal hypotension in 90% of women undergoing elective CD (ED90). ⋯ The use of intermittent IV norepinephrine boluses to prevent spinal-induced hypotension in elective CD seems feasible and was not observed to be associated with adverse outcomes. Practically, we suggest an ED90 dose of 6 µg. Further work is warranted to elucidate the comparative effects of intermittent IV bolus doses of phenylephrine and norepinephrine, in terms of efficacy and safety.
Obstructive fibrinous tracheal pseudomembrane (OFTP) is a rare and potentially severe complication of endotracheal intubation characterized by a tubular pseudomembrane that obstructs the trachea and induces clinical symptoms of airway obstruction after extubation. In this report, we reviewed and summarized all published cases of OFTP (n = 58) between 1981 and 2015. Twenty-three of 52 patients were men, and the mean age was 36 ± 22 years. ⋯ Bronchoscopic removal was performed in 49 of 58 cases with no recurrence. In conclusion, OFTP is characterized by a typical clinical and endoscopic presentation, with no recurrence after bronchoscopic removal. Early recognition and bronchoscopy are key elements for efficient diagnosis and treatment.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jul 2017
The Geographic Distribution of Pediatric Anesthesiologists Relative to the U.S. Pediatric Population.
The geographic relationship between pediatric anesthesiologists and the pediatric population has potentially important clinical and policy implications. In the current study, we describe the geographic distribution of pediatric anesthesiologists relative to the US pediatric population (0-17 years) and a subset of the pediatric population (0-4 years). ⋯ A substantial proportion of the US pediatric population lives greater than 50 miles from the nearest pediatric anesthesiologist, and pediatric anesthesiologist-to-pediatric population ratios by HRR vary widely across the United States. These findings are important given that the new guidelines from the American College of Surgeons Children's Surgery Verification™ Quality Improvement Program state that pediatric anesthesiologists must care for a subset of pediatric patients. Because of the geographic distribution of pediatric anesthesiologists relative to the pediatric population, access to care by a pediatric anesthesiologist may not be feasible for all children, particularly for those with limited resources or in emergent situations.