Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe advantages of the lateral decubitus position after spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric tetracaine.
We investigated the effects of lateral decubitus positioning after spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric tetracaine on the spread of sensory blockade and hemodynamic variables. One hundred ASA physical status I or II patients scheduled for elective surgery to the lower limb received spinal anesthesia at a rate of approximately 0.1 mL/s using 0.5% tetracaine in 7.5% glucose with 0.125% phenylephrine in the lateral decubitus position with the operated side dependent. They were randomly divided into three groups: patients in Group I were placed supine immediately after spinal injection; those in Group II remained in the lateral position for 10 min before being turned supine; those in Group III were kept in the lateral position for 20 min then turned supine. Neural block was assessed by cold, pinprick, and touch sensation, and a modified Bromage scale. Hemodynamic variables included blood pressure, heart rate, and the use of ephedrine for the treatment of hypotension. The median (10th, 90th percentiles) peak dermatomal level to pinprick on the dependent side in Group III was T8 (T11, T5), which was significantly lower than that in Groups I and II, which extended to T4 (T9, T3) and T5 (T10, T2), respectively (P < 0.05). The difference in the maximal cephalad spread of sensory blockade between both sides in Group III was only one dermatome but was statistically significant (P < 0.05); in contrast, there was no significant difference in the maximal sensory level between both sides in Groups I and II. The use of ephedrine for the treatment of hypotension was significantly less frequent in Group III than the other groups. We conclude that keeping a patient in the lateral decubitus position for 20 min after hyperbaric tetracaine spinal anesthesia maintains preferential anesthetic distribution to the dependent side. Despite small differences between the two sides, the restricted spread of blockade and less hemodynamic variability may be clinically advantageous. ⋯ The effects of posture on the spread of hyperbaric spinal anesthesia have not been adequately investigated. The results of the present study suggest an advantage of prolonged lateral decubitus positioning after intrathecal hyperbaric tetracaine.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialA comparison of the disposable versus the reusable laryngeal mask airway in paralyzed adult patients.
A disposable (polyvinyl chloride) laryngeal mask airway (LMA) with dimensions identical to, but physical properties different from (stiffer tube/thicker cuff), the reusable (silicone) LMA has recently become available. We performed a randomized, cross-over study of 60 paralyzed, anesthetized patients to test the hypothesis that the use of these devices was different in terms of ease of insertion, airway sealing pressure, fiberoptic position, and changes in intracuff pressure during N2O anesthesia. We also tested the hypothesis that the airway sealing pressure of the LMA is suboptimal if the cuff is inflated to a high intracuff pressure. Both the devices were inserted into each patient in random order, and their performance was assessed at two intracuff pressures (60 and 180 cm H2O) by a blind observer. Subsequently, intracuff pressures were measured during N2O anesthesia for the second device. Ease of insertion was similar: there was no difference in first attempt success rates (97% vs 98%) and insertion times (15 vs 13 s) for the disposable and reusable LMA, respectively. There were no differences in airway sealing pressure or fiberoptic position. Airway sealing pressure was significantly higher at 60 cm H2O intracuff pressure compared with the airway sealing pressure at 180 cm H2O for both devices (P < 0.02). During N2O anesthesia, the intracuff pressure remained stable for the disposable LMA but increased significantly for the reusable LMA. We conclude that the disposable and reusable LMAs perform similarly in paralyzed adult patients, but that the disposable LMA has more stable intracuff pressures during N2O anesthesia. Inflation of the LMA to high intracuff pressures produces a suboptimal seal. ⋯ This randomized, single-blind, within-patient study of 60 adult patients shows that the disposable (polyvinyl chloride) and reusable (silicone) laryngeal mask airways perform similarly, but that the disposable laryngeal mask airway has more stable intracuff pressures during N2O anesthesia. Inflation of either device to high intracuff pressures produces a suboptimal seal.