The Annals of thoracic surgery
When right ventricular failure occurs during aortic valvular operation, inadequate myocardial protection may be the culprit. However, other causes of right ventricular failure should be considered, such as air or particulate matter embolization. Right ventricular failure unexpectedly occurred during an aortic valvular operation, and the cause was found to be a mechanical problem with the right coronary ostium. ⋯ We conclude that when right ventricular failure unexpectedly occurs during an aortic valvular operation and does not improve with reperfusion, a mechanical problem in the RCA should be considered. In this situation we recommend that the RCA be bypassed with a segment of saphenous vein graft.
Comment Letter
Tranexamic acid use during coronary artery bypass grafting.
A case of tracheogastric fistula after laryngopharyngoesophagectomy for cervical esophageal cancer is described. The surgical management of the tracheogastric fistula is detailed and accompanied by a pertinent review of the literature. The one-stage repair in this report can provide an effective palliation or definitive treatment for this debilitating and unusual complication.