Comparative Study
Economic burden of epilepsy in a developing country: a retrospective cost analysis in China.
To study the cost of epilepsy in China, and, therefore, provide essential information on the burden of the disease to individuals and society. ⋯ The results indicate that the economic burden of epilepsy to both Chinese patients and the nation is heavy, and the composition proportions of the costs in China have many similar features and some noteworthy differences with that of other countries.
Comparative Study
Lateralizing language with magnetic source imaging: validation based on the Wada test.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)/magnetic source imaging (MSI) is a noninvasive functional neuroimaging procedure used to localize language-specific regions in the brain. The Wada test, or intracarotid amobarbital procedure (IAP), is the gold standard in determining speech/language lateralization for presurgical planning, although it is invasive and associated with morbidity. The purpose of this study is to provide further validation on the use of MSI for presurgical language lateralization by comparing results against the IAP. ⋯ The results from this study are consistent with prior research findings comparing functional neuroimaging procedures to the IAP in determining language lateralization in presurgical patients. The current study provides an important replication and support for Papanicolaou et al.'s findings in 2004 using a consecutive clinical sample from a different institution. An unusually high rate of atypical IAP language cases in this sample and differences between the two procedures are believed to explain the noted discrepancies. MSI is a viable noninvasive alternative to the IAP in the presurgical determination of language lateralization.
We report a 2-year-old girl who had repeated febrile or afebrile seizures since infancy. Prolonged left/right hemiconvulsions and myoclonus of the eyelids/extremities with generalization to tonic-clonic seizures, were refractory to antiepileptic agents. At age 1 year and 4 months, she contracted rotavirus infection, and developed status epilepticus with persistent right hemiclonic seizures. ⋯ Analysis for SCN1A, the gene encoding the neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channel alpha1 subunit revealed a nonsense mutation, R1892X. These indicate the potential risk in patients with severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI) to develop hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia (HH) syndrome. SCN1A mutations may need to be further explored in patients with HH syndrome without features of SMEI.
Comparative Study
Pregnancy, delivery, and outcome for the child in maternal epilepsy.
To investigate pregnancy, delivery, and child outcome in an unselected population of women with both treated and untreated epilepsy. ⋯ Adverse pregnancy and birth outcome in women with epilepsy is mainly confined to AED-exposed pregnancies, although some risks are associated also with untreated epilepsy. The risk for congenital malformations was lower than previously reported. This could be due to a shift in AED selection, folic acid supplement, or possibly reflect the true risks in an unselected epilepsy population.
To determine whether previously undetected symptoms of depression and psychiatric help-seeking behaviors are associated with demographic or epilepsy-related variables in a predominantly African American sample of pediatric epilepsy patients. ⋯ This study indicates the necessity and feasibility of screening for previously undetected symptoms of depression in pediatric epilepsy clinics serving diverse populations, particularly among patients receiving antiepileptic polytherapy. Additional research on the correlates of depressive symptoms and determinants of psychiatric help-seeking is needed to develop evidence-based interventions for youths with epilepsy and symptoms of depression.