Military medicine
We developed simulator-based tools for assessing provider competence in transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and vascular duplex scanning. ⋯ Skill in acquiring diagnostic ultrasound images of organs and vessels can be measured using simulation in an objective, quantitative, and standardized manner. Current applications are provision of feedback to learners to enable training without direct faculty oversight and formative assessment of curricula. Simulator-based metrics could also be applied for summative assessment.
Physicians in the military often take leadership roles much earlier in their career than their civilian counterparts. Military Graduate Medical Education programs must continue to provide relevant leadership training that prepares graduates for their imminent leadership roles. The following article illustrates the experience of a junior Army Medical Corps Officer deployed shortly after residency. His case illustrates how he utilized the tools and lessons learned from the professional development and leadership training in his residency to assure the operational readiness and success of his unit.
Exsanguinating hemorrhage is a primary cause of battlefield death. The iTClamp is a relatively new device (FDA approval in 2013) that takes a different approach to hemorrhage control by applying mechanism wound closure. However, no previous studies have explored the feasibility of utilizing the iTClamp in conjunction with hemostatic packing. ⋯ Blood loss was similar for Combat Gauze (M = 51 mL, 95%CI: 25-76 mL) and XSTAT (M = 60 mL, 95%CI: 30-90 mL). Blood loss was roughly twice as great for 10 cm wounds (M = 73 mL, 95%CI: 47-100 mL) than for 5 cm wounds (M = 38 mL, 95%CI: 18-57 mL). This pilot study supports the feasibility of a novel model for testing the iTClamp in conjunction with hemostatic packing towards controlling junctional hemorrhage.
The development of methods that generate individualized assessments of the procoagulant potential of burn patients could improve their treatment. Beyond its role as an essential intermediate in the formation of thrombin, factor (F)Xa has systemic effects as an agonist to inflammatory processes. In this study, we use a computational model to study the FXa dynamics underlying tissue factor-initiated thrombin generation in a small cohort of burn patients. ⋯ Thrombin and FXa generation are increased in burn patients at admission compared to mean physiological simulations. Over the first 48 hours, burn survivors became more procoagulant while non-survivors became less procoagulant. Differences between survivors and non-survivors appear to be present in the underlying dynamics that contribute to FXa dynamics. Understanding how the individual specific balance of procoagulant and anticoagulant proteins contributes to thrombin and FXa generation could ultimately guide therapy and potentially reduce burn injury-related morbidity and mortality.
In the recent conflicts, unprecedented numbers of US service personnel have survived with genitourinary (GU) injury, but few reports have focused on outcomes of these injuries. Outcomes of combat-related GU injury were investigated in wounded US male veterans of Operations Enduring/Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn receiving Veterans Health Administration (VHA) care. ⋯ We identified an opportunity to improve the diagnosis and coordination of care for veterans with GU injury. Routine screening and better documentation upon transfer from DoD to VHA care should be implemented to alert multi-specialty care teams to provide care for the urinary, sexual, fertility, and psychological health problems of these patients.