Military medicine
The peripheral auditory system and various structures within the central auditory system are vulnerable to blast injuries, and even blast overpressure is at relatively mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) level. However, the extent of hearing loss in relation to blast number and time course of post-blast is not well understood. This study reports the progressive hearing damage measured in chinchillas after multiple blast exposures at mild TBI levels (103-138 kPa or 15-20 psi). ⋯ This study demonstrates that the number of blasts causing mild TBI critically affects hearing damage.
Infection as sequelae to explosion-related injury is an enduring threat to our troops. There are limited data on the effects of blast on antibiotic pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and efficacy. The observational study presented here is our Institute's first attempt to address this issue by combining our existing interdepartmental blast, infection modeling, and in vivo PK/PD capabilities and was designed to determine the PK effects of blast on the first-line antibiotic, cefazolin, in an in vivo mouse model. ⋯ Our results indicate that blast-induced physiologic changes significantly influence cefazolin PK and suggest that efficacy could be affected in the context of the blast; assessment of efficacy and PD effects require further investigation. Metabolic changes resulting from blast may influence other classes of antibiotics and other therapeutics used with these injuries. Therefore, this may have important treatment considerations in other areas of military medicine.
Blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury was generated in a mouse model using a shock tube to investigate recovery and axonal injury from single blast. ⋯ Blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury in a mouse model follows a biphasic FA response within 12 days after a single blast similar to that reported for human subjects.
Hemorrhage control is the top priority in far-forward care. Preclinical studies are essential for determining safety and efficacy before novel therapeutics can be tested in humans. Unfortunately, poor methodological quality jeopardizes translational potential. ⋯ Methodological quality was poor. Although funding agencies actively promote good scientific practice, investigators have been slow to comply. Poorly executed and reported animal research is an ethical and translational issue, wasting animals and potentially harming patients. To properly assess the therapeutic benefit of novel interventions, investigators must rely less on rote hypothesis testing, develop skills in experimental design and quantitative analysis, and comply with best-practice reporting guidelines.
Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that a magnetic resonance imaging method called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can differentiate between crush and complete transection peripheral nerve injuries in a rat model ex vivo. DTI measures the directionally dependent effect of tissue barriers on the random diffusion of water molecules. In ordered tissues such as nerves, this information can be used to reconstruct the primary direction of diffusion along fiber tracts, which may provide information on fiber tract continuity after nerve injury and surgical repair. ⋯ DTI tractography is a noninvasive tool that can yield a visual representation of a partial nerve transection as early as 1 week after surgical repair.