Military medicine
Web-based interventions hold great promise for the dissemination of best practices to clinicians, and investment in these resources has grown exponentially. Yet, little research exists to understand their impact on intended objectives. ⋯ This study demonstrates the importance of methodologically rigorous evaluations of participant engagement with web-based interventions. These approaches provide insight into who accesses these tools, when, how, and with what results, which can be translated into their strategic design, evaluation, and dissemination.
This article presents an emerging capability to project damage control procedures far forward for situations where evacuation to a formal surgical team is delayed. Specifically, we demonstrate the plausibility of using a wearable augmented reality (AR) telestration device to guide a nonsurgeon through a damage control procedure. ⋯ A nonsurgeon, using a wearable commercial on-visual-axis telestration system, successfully performed a damage control procedure, demonstrating the plausibility of this approach.
Increased resource constraints secondary to a smaller medical footprint, prolonged evacuation times, or overwhelming casualty volumes all increase the challenges of effective management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the austere environment. Prehospital providers are responsible for the battlefield recognition and initial management of TBI. As such, targeted education is critical to efficient injury recognition, promoting both provider readiness and improved patient outcomes. ⋯ Evidence shows that the assessment, monitoring, and treatment in the first few hours and days after injury should focus on the preservation of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation. For cases where medical management is inadequate (eg, evidence of an enlarging intracranial hematoma), guidelines have been developed for the performance of cranial surgery by nonneurosurgeons. TBI management in the austere environment will continue to be a challenge, but research focused on improving evidence-based monitoring and therapeutic interventions can help to mitigate some of these challenges and improve patient outcomes.
The vestibular system is essential for normal postural control and balance. Because of their proximity to the cochlea, the otolith organs are vulnerable to noise. We previously showed that head jerks that evoke vestibular nerve activity were no longer capable of inducing a response after noise overstimulation. The present study adds a greater range of jerk intensities to determine if the response was abolished or required more intense stimulation (threshold shift). ⋯ These data suggest that noise overstimulation, such as can occur in the military, could introduce an increased risk of imbalance that should be evaluated before returning a subject to situations that require normal agility and motion. Moreover, although there is recovery with time, some dysfunction persists for extended periods.
To establish a rabbit model of posterior penetrating eye injury as a platform to test potential therapeutics. ⋯ These data show that ocular fibrosis can be detected within 14 days after initial injury, with more severe fibrosis detected at 28 days postinjury. These results will be used to determine the optimal time points for later studies designed to test treatment strategies.