Military medicine
Comparative Study
A Comparison of Uniformed Services University and Health Professions Scholarship Program Graduates' First Deployment Readiness.
Military physicians must be prepared to lead health care teams across complex landscapes of war during future small- and large-scale combat operations. This preparation optimally begins in medical school so that early career physicians are fully ready for their first deployment. Past qualitative research has suggested that military physicians who attended civilian medical school are not as well prepared for the operational environment as physicians who attended the Uniformed Services University (USU), our nation's military medical school. However, there is a lack of larger-scale quantitative research comparing the readiness differences between the two medical school pathways. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to quantify any differences in first deployment preparation between students attending USU and civilian medical schools through the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP). ⋯ While both groups believed that they were prepared for their first deployment, USU graduates consistently reported being more prepared by medical school for their first deployment than HPSP graduates. To close this readiness gap, supplemental military unique curricula may help to optimize HPSP students' readiness.
Observational Study
A Lack of Generalizability-Total Knee Demographics in the Active Duty Population.
Age and sex are known demographic risk factors for requiring revision surgery following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Military service members are a unique population with barriers to long-term follow up after surgery. This study aims to compare demographic data between active duty military personnel and a nationwide sample to identify differences that may impact clinical and economic outcomes. ⋯ Patients undergoing TKA in the military are younger and more likely to be male compared to national trends. Current evidence suggests these factors may place them at a significant revision risk in the future. The application of quality metrics based on nationwide demographics may not be applicable to military members within the Military Health System.
The increasing prevalence of nutritional supplement use in the United States, combined with the risk of adverse effects from these largely unregulated products, poses a significant challenge to health care professionals. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the use of nutritional supplements in an active duty military population, particularly those supplements with increased adverse effect profiles, and the sources of information that service members use to make decisions regarding the safety and efficacy of supplements. ⋯ The results of our study suggest that a minority of service members seek advice from medical professionals regarding nutritional supplements, women are more likely to do so than men, men may be more likely to use high-risk supplements than women, and Non-Commissioned Officers use high-risk supplements more often than Junior Enlisted. Limitations of this study include the voluntary self-report survey design, relatively small sample size, and single location. A larger, multicenter study would aid to alleviate these limitations in future studies. Numerous studies investigating nutritional supplement use and associated risks are present in the literature; however, the data comparing supplement use with sources of information regarding safety and efficacy are lacking.
The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) plays a pivotal role in the assessment of medical fitness for aspiring military officers. A crucial component of this process is the screening audiogram, designed to evaluate hearing capabilities. However, recent observations of high disqualification rates following screening audiograms led to concerns about their accuracy. ⋯ In conclusion, the project underscores the importance of refining medical screening processes to accurately assess candidates' qualifications while retaining the utility of screening audiograms. These efforts not only benefit aspiring military officers but also contribute to maintaining the high standards required for military service.
In recent conflicts, the Joint Theater Trauma System (JTTS) led the systematic approach to improve battlefield trauma care, substantially contributing to the unprecedented survival of combat casualties. The Joint Trauma System (JTS) was codified in 2016 to preserve the lessons learned and functions of the JTTS, including the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. Concurrently, Combatant Commands (CCMD) were directed to establish CCMD Trauma Systems (CTS) "modeled after the JTTS" and to maintain a baseline of core functions intended to rapidly scale as needed. The complex nature of both CCMDs and the military trauma system has challenged the full implementation of the CTS. Analyzing the historical experiences of the JTTS, JTS, and CTS within a military doctrinal framework might enable the further success of the military trauma system. ⋯ The deployed U.S. military trauma system requires a robust PI capability to optimize combat casualty care. Policy updates, a joint military trauma system doctrine, and force design updates are necessary for deployed military trauma system PI capabilities to function optimally across all levels of warfare.