Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Hypertension treated by salt restriction.
31 patients with a diastolic blood-pressure between 95 and 109 mm Hg have been treated for two years with a regimen involving a moderate restriction of salt in the diet. The results are compared with those in a control group and in a drug-treated group. Salt restriction has reduced the diastolic blood-pressure by 7.3+/-1.6 mm Hg, a result similar to that in patients treated with antihypertensive drugs. ⋯ Most patients did not achieve the desired amount of salt restriction and a stricter adherence to the diet might have caused further falls in blood-pressure. Excessive salt intake is probably a major cause of the epidemic of hypertension in "civilised" countries and a reduction in salt intake may help to control the epidemic. In persons with a diastolic blood-pressure between 90 and 105 mm Hg salt restriction should be tried before drugs.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Upright posture and the efficiency of labour.
The claim that an upright maternal posture during labour improves the efficiency of the uterus to the benefit of both mother and fetus has been investigated in a randomised prospective study. 40 patients undergoing induction of labour were allocated to a recumbent group or an upright group. No differences were found between the groups in the length of labour, mode of delivery, requirements of oxytocic and analgesic drugs, or fetal and neonatal condition. Our data do not support calls to change conventional intrapartum nursing attitudes.