Observational Study
Hospital Performance Indicators and Their Associated Factors in Acute Child Poisoning at a Single Poison Center, Central Saudi Arabia.
Admission rate and length of stay (LOS) are two hospital performance indicators that affect the quality of care, patients' satisfaction, bed turnover, and health cost expenditures. The aim of the study was to identify factors associated with higher admission rates and extended average LOS among acutely poisoned children at a single poison center, central Saudi Arabia. This is a cross-sectional, poison and medical chart review between 2009 and 2011. ⋯ P = 0.003. Hospital administrators are cautioned that acutely poisoned children who received home remedies prior arrival are more likely to endure an extended LOS. This non-conventional practice is not recommended.
Case Reports
Case Report Series and Review of Rare Intradural Extramedullary Neoplasms-Bronchiogenic Cysts.
The congenital malformation known as an intraspinal bronchiogenic cyst is a rare form of endodermal (neurenteric, enterogenous) cyst lined with respiratory tract epithelium. We describe 3 new cases of intradural extramedullary bronchiogenic cyst in the Department of Neurosurgery between the years 2006 and 2014. Three patients were performed resection of intradural extramedullary bronchiogenic cysts and finally symptoms were relieved. ⋯ The aim of this literature review was to provide information on histopathology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, radiographic features, and surgical strategies. Symptoms in spinal bronchiogenic cyst patients primarily depend on the local mass effect of the cyst on the spinal cord. magnetic resonance imaging, together with myelograms and computed tomography scans, is necessary to preoperative evaluation of spinal bronchiogenic cysts. The aim of surgery is total resection, although tight adhesion, ventral and intramedullary locations, and vertebral anomalies make it more challenging.
Observational Study
Genomic Copy Number Variations Characterize the Prognosis of Both P16-Positive and P16-Negative Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Curative Resection.
Recently increasing high-risk HPV+ OSCC exhibits unique clinical and molecular characteristics compared to HPV-unrelated (HPV-) counterpart. Genomic copy number variations (CNVs), unique in HPV+ OSCCs, and their role for the prognosis prediction remains poorly studied. Here, we analyzed the distinct genomic copy number variations (CNVs) in human papillomavirus-related (HPV+) oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and their role as a prognosticator after curative resection. ⋯ Meanwhile, subgroup analysis of p16+ OSCC revealed that amplification of regions harboring HRAS and loss of locus bearing KDR led to better OS. p16+ OSCC exhibit distinct CNV patterns compared with p16- counterpart. Specific patterns of CNVs predict better survival, especially in p16+ OSCC. This might allow better insights of the outcome after curative resection for HPV+ and HPV- OSCC.
Observational Study
Increased Risk of Dementia Among Sleep-Related Movement Disorders: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Taiwan.
Sleep-related movement disorders (SRMD) are sleep disorders. As poor sleep quality is associated with cognitive impairment, we hypothesized that SRMD patients were exposed to a great risk for developing dementia. The present study was aimed to retrospectively examine the association of SRMD and dementia risk. ⋯ Females with SRMD were at greater risk to develop all-cause dementia (HR: 4.372, 95% CI = 1.175-5.624). The impact of SRMD on dementia risk was progressively increased by various follow-up time intervals (<1 year, 1-2 years, and ≥2 years). The results suggest that SRMD is linked to an increased risk for dementia with gender-dependent and time-dependent characteristics.
Observational Study
HIV-Related Medical Admissions to a South African District Hospital Remain Frequent Despite Effective Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up.
The public sector scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in South Africa commenced in 2004. We aimed to describe the hospital-level disease burden and factors contributing to morbidity and mortality among hospitalized HIV-positive patients in the era of widespread ART availability. Between June 2012 and October 2013, unselected patients admitted to medical wards at a public sector district hospital in Cape Town were enrolled in this cross-sectional study with prospective follow-up. ⋯ Independent predictors of mortality were AIDS-defining illnesses other than TB, low hemoglobin, and impaired renal function. HIV still accounts for nearly two-thirds of medical admissions in this South African hospital and is associated with high mortality. Strategies to improve linkage to care, ART adherence/retention and TB prevention are key to reducing HIV-related hospitalizations in this setting.