Multicenter Study Observational Study
Clinical presentation and treatment outcome of retinoblastoma in children of South Western China.
To study the clinical presentation and treatment outcome among children in South Western China with retinoblastoma (RB) and to determine factors predictive of poor outcome. A retrospective review of children diagnosed with RB from 2006 to 2015 at West China Hospital was undertaken. Demographic and clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes were studied. ⋯ Delayed presentation is related to extraocular RB which is a risk factor for poor outcome. Chemotherapy increased the eye salvage but had no effects to overall survival. Education for parents and general physicians for the early signs of RB (such as leukocoria), therapeutic strategy and treatment outcomes of RB may promote early diagnosis, improve the compliance, and outcome.
It is well documented that histopathologic examination is sometimes inadequate for accurate and reproducible diagnosis of certain melanocytic neoplasms. Recently, a 23-gene expression signature has been clinically validated as an adjunctive diagnostic test to differentiate benign nevi from malignant melanomas. This study aimed to quantify the impact of this test on diagnosis and treatment recommendations made by dermatopathologists. ⋯ Treatment recommendations were changed to align with the test result in 76.6% of diagnostically challenging cases. The MDS impacts diagnosis and treatment recommendations by dermatopathologists confronted with diagnostically challenging melanocytic lesions. Increased data are needed in order to completely understand how use of the MDS will translate from dermatopathology to clinical practice.
Enterovirus (EV) has over 100 serotypes of species A-D, which can cause various symptoms in infants. Enterovirus encephalitis (EVE) is serve disease with high morbidity and mortality in children. To well define the epidemiology of EVE, we wanted to know more about EV and EV molecular typing by conducting this study in Hangzhou. ⋯ A total of 126 CSF specimens were tested and EV was detected in 26 specimens (20.6%). The molecular typing results showed different types of EV strains including Coxsackievirus B2, Coxsackievirus B3, Echovirus 5, Echovirus 16, Echovirus 18, Echovirus 30, and all EV isolates belonging to the human EV species B. According to the sequence of VP1 and 5'UTR region, E30 may be major cause of children's EVE in Hangzhou, China.
Observational Study
High prevalence of known and unknown pulmonary diseases in patients with claudication during exercise oximetry: A retrospective analysis.
The prevalence of pulmonary disease in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) has not been extensively studied. Recent evidence has shown that ∼20% of the patients have an atypical chest transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcpO2) pattern during exercise, which suggests walking-induced hypoxemia. The main objectives of this study were to: (1) describe in a retrospective way the characteristics of the patients suffering from claudication, who attended a treadmill testing in our laboratory, (2) assess the prevalence of known or unknown pulmonary disease. ⋯ This retrospective pilot study underlines the high prevalence of both known and unknown pulmonary disease in patients whose primary complaint was lower limb claudication. Systematic screening and treatment of pulmonary disease in patients with claudication might be justified, to improve walking ability of such patients and possibly reduce or delay the requirement for revascularization. Prospective studies are required to confirm these preliminary results.
This study aimed to observe the therapeutic effects and adverse reactions of radiofrequency thermocoagulation combined with adriamycin injection in dorsal root ganglia on lung cancer rib metastasis-related refractory pain which has no response to conventional therapy. This study contained 27 patients with lung cancer rib metastasis-related moderate or severe pain which had no response to conventional therapy. Under computed tomography (CT)-guidance, radiofrequency puncture need reached the corresponding intervertebral foramens to ensure needle point near dorsal root ganglia (DRG) by sensory and motor stimulation tests, and then radiofrequency thermocoagulation was performed on each corresponding DRG followed by injection of 0.5 to 1 mL of adriamycin (0.5%). ⋯ There were no statistical differences between before and after management in nausea and vomiting, and constipation. CT-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation combined with adriamycin injection in DRG can effectively control lung cancer rib metastasis-related pain which has no response to conventional therapy. This combinatory treatment regimen is featured by better therapeutic effects and a few complications, so it is worthy of being recommended in clinical application.