Randomized Controlled Trial
Intubation without use of stylet for McGrath videolaryngoscopy in patients with expected normal airway: A randomized noninferiority trial.
During McGrath videolaryngoscope (VL) intubation, a styletted endotracheal tube maintaining an upward distal tip angle is recommended by some manufacturers. However, a styletted endotracheal tube can elicit rare but potentially serious complications. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that a nonstyletted tube with exaggerated curvature would be noninferior to a styletted tube for orotracheal intubation using McGrath VL in patients with expected normal airway, by comparing the time to intubation and ease of intubation. ⋯ This study shows that a nonstyletted endotracheal tube with exaggerated curvature has a similar performance to a styletted tube with a hockey-stick curvature during intubation using McGrath VL regarding time taken to successful intubation and easiness of intubation.
Comparative Study
Sensitivity and specificity of dried blood spots for HIV-1 viral load quantification: A laboratory assessment of 3 commercial assays.
The use of dried blood spots (DBS) instead of plasma as a specimen type for HIV-1 viral load (VL) testing facilitates the decentralization of specimen collection and can increase access to VL testing in resource-limited settings. The performance of DBS for VL testing is lower, however, when compared to the gold standard sample type plasma. In this diagnostic accuracy study, we evaluated 3 VL assays with DBS. ⋯ The 3 VL assays evaluated had suboptimal performance with DBS but still performed better than immunological or clinical monitoring. Even after the introduction of the much-anticipated point-of-care VL devices, it is expected that DBS will remain important as a complementary option for supporting access to VL monitoring, particularly in rural, resource-limited settings. Manufacturers should accelerate efforts to develop more reliable, sensitive and specific methods to test VL on DBS specimens.
Observational Study
Physician perspectives on de-intensifying diabetes medications.
Guidelines for diabetes care recommend that physicians select individualized glycemic goals based on life expectancy, diabetes duration, comorbidity, and resources/support. When patients have stable hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) levels, guidelines lack recommendations on when diabetes medications should be de-intensified. To understand physicians' perspectives on de-intensifying diabetes medications in patients with type 2 diabetes. ⋯ In multiple logistic regression, women physicians (odds ratio [OR] 3.0; confidence interval [CI] 1.1-8.2; P = 0.03) and physicians practicing fewer than 20 years (OR 2.8; CI 1.01-7.7; P = 0.048) were more likely to report de-intensifying diabetes medications. Individualizing glycemic goals and de-intensifying treatments are concepts well accepted by physicians in our sample. However, physicians vary considerably in reporting how they carry out recommendations to individualize and may be missing opportunities to stop or taper diabetes medications based on patients' individualized glycemic goals.
Adiponectin is adipocyte-secreted cytokine with potent insulin-sensitizing action in peripheral tissues. The heritability of plasma adiponectin is high in Han Chinese population. To identify genetic loci influencing plasma adiponectin levels in Chinese population, we performed a genome-wide linkage scan in 1949 Chinese participants of the Stanford Asia-Pacific Program for Hypertension and Insulin Resistance family study and mapped a quantitative trail locus located on chromosome 15 at 31 cM (logarithm of odds = 3.04) with 1-logarithm of odds support interval at 24 to 34 cM. ⋯ RYR3 haplotypes were also associated with systolic (P = 0.001) and diastolic (P = 7.1 × 10) blood pressure and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 1.4 × 10). Furthermore, an inverse relationship between expression of RYR3 and adiponectin was observed in human abdominal adipose tissue. In conclusion, a genome-wide linkage scan and regional association fine-mapping identified variants in the RYR3 gene as a quantitative trail locus for plasma adiponectin levels in Chinese population.
Frequent multidisciplinary communication is essential in conducting daily radiotherapy (RT) practice. However, traditional oral or paper-based communication has limitations. E-communication has been suggested, but its effects are still not well demarcated in the field of radiation oncology. ⋯ Replacing oral or paper-based practice with e-communication is useful in facilitating RT multidisciplinary teamwork. Staff satisfaction and clinical effectiveness can be increased.