The spine is the most common site of bone metastases due to thyroid cancer; however, spinal cord compression as a complication of metastatic thyroid cancer is very rare. ⋯ RAI therapy and concomitant glucocorticoid therapy could be used for spinal metastases of FTC, even with spinal cord compression.
Case Reports
Safety of potassium-bearing citrate in patients with renal transplantation: A case report.
Urinary lithiasis is one of severe postoperative complications in patients undergoing renal transplantation, possibly leading to anuria, urinary infection, or even acute renal failure. Potassium sodium hydrogen citrate (PSHC), a potassium-bearing citrate, is commonly prescribed to prevent stone formation. ⋯ Physicians should pay close attentions to potential risks caused by PSHC, and monitor the SPCs to minimize the occurrence of hyperkalemia.
Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital disorder among adults, and the way for repairing abdominal wall musculature has no unified standard. ⋯ Combining laparoscopic and open technique for repair of deficiency of abdominal wall musculature in PBS was an exploratory way to improve life quality.
To investigate the effects of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) gene polymorphisms on the onset of osteomyelitis in Chinese Han population. In all, 80 osteomyelitis patients (case group) and 81 healthy people (control group) were recruited into this case-control study. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method was utilized to examine the genotypes of MMP-1 polymorphisms (-1607 2G/1G and -519A/G) in the 2 groups. ⋯ In addition, frequency of -519GG genotype was obviously higher in case group than that in control group (P = .024), and GG genotype related to an increased risk of osteomyelitis (OR 2.792, 95% CI 1.127-6.917). Whereas, the -519G allele may be a susceptible factor for osteomyelitis (OR 1.622, 95% CI 1.038-2.536). The MMP-1 -1607 (2G/1G) and -519 (A/G) polymorphisms may contribute to the onset of osteomyelitis.
Both genomics and environmental stressors play a significant role in increases in blood pressure (BP). In an attempt to further explain the hypertension (HTN) disparity among African Americans (AA), both genetic underpinnings (selected candidate genes) and stress due to perceived racial discrimination (as reported in the literature) have independently been linked to increased BP among AAs. Although Gene x Environment interactions on BP have been examined, the environmental component of these investigations has focused more on lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, diet, and physical activity, and less on psychosocial stressors such as perceived discrimination. ⋯ Most notably, there was a significant SNP × discrimination interaction for 2 SNPs on the SLC4A5 gene: rs3771724 (MLD: SBP P = .034, DBP P = .031; ED: DBP: P = .016) and rs1006502 (MLD: SBP P = .034, DBP P = .030; ED: DBP P = .015). This study supports the idea that SNP × discrimination interactions combine to influence clinically relevant traits such as BP. Replication with similar epidemiological samples is required to ascertain the role of genes and psychosocial stressors in the development and expression of high BP in this understudied population.