Case Reports
Asymptomatic syringomyelia accompanied with metastatic cerebellar and spinal intramedullary lymphoma: A case report.
Asympotamic syringomyelia accompanied with metastatic cerebellar and thoracic spinal intramedullary lymphoma is rare in clinical practice. If the intramedullary lymphoma is large enough, the patient will rapidly develop neurologic signs of spinal injury. The prognosis of this type of complication is always bad. ⋯ Syringomyelia can develop due to the metastatic thoracic intramedullary lymphoma in patients with diffuse malignant large B cell lymphoma. Early and accurate diagnosis, anti-lymphoma treatment, and timely neurosurgical intervention may delay the development of the disease.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Matrix metalloproteinase -2 (MMP-2) gene and the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in Chinese Han population. A total of 126 AMD patients and 141 healthy controls participated in this study. Genotypes of MMP-2 gene polymorphisms were identified by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). χtest was used to detect the differences of genotypes and alleles frequencies between case and control groups. ⋯ GA + AA genotypes of rs243866 SNP may associate with a decreased risk of AMD in the age≤65 years subgroup (P = .028, OR = 0.399, 95% CI = 0.174-0.915). MMP-2 gene rs243865 and rs243866 SNPs associated with the risk of AMD. Further studies should be performed to confirm the results.
Bilateral discoid medial menisci is an extremely rare abnormality of the knee joint. The presence of a discoid medial meniscus has been associated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radiographic changes in the tibial region, such as cupping of the medial tibial plateau and tibial physis collapse. While discoid medial meniscal tears with hypoplasia of the femoral medial condyles have not been previously reported. Herein, we report a case of bilateral discoid medial menisci associated with meniscal tears and femoral bone changes. ⋯ This case indicates a potential link between discoid medial menisci and hypoplasia of the femoral medial condyle. We recommend preservation of the discoid medial meniscus in asymptomatic patients, while arthroscopic partial meniscectomy and reshaping is recommended in symptomatic patients.
The present genome-wide association study investigated the relationship of interleukin 28B (IL-28B) genetic variants with HBV susceptibility and prognosis of HBV-infected patients. This study aims to examine the role of IL-28B polymorphisms on transplant etiologies and the liver function recovery in Chinese liver transplant recipients. A total of 231 liver transplant recipients were enrolled in the study. ⋯ Peripheral platelet count in the third and fourth days after transplantation were significantly higher in recipients carrying IL-28B rs12979860 T allele, or rs8099917 C allele (P < .016666667), while there were no significant differences between these variants and International Normalized Ratio (INR) levels. In addition, gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels in recipients with rs12980275 G allele were higher than those in the wide-type recipients before transplantation (P < .016666667, respectively); nevertheless, no influence of these variants on GGT recovery was observed after transplantation. Genetic variations of IL-28B might impact on liver function recovery by influencing peripheral platelet counts and reducing liver inflammation, but have weak association with transplant etiologies.
The increasingly intraoperative use of indocyanine green (ICG) means that it is necessary to be aware of both its advantages and potential adverse effects. ⋯ Invasive blood pressure monitoring should be carried out in patients undergoing intraoperative ICG administration. Anesthetists should pay close attention to the patient's hemodynamic fluctuations, and effective emergency measures should be implemented immediately if severe hemodynamic instability occurs.