Review Case Reports
Primary osteosarcoma of frontal bone: A case report and review of literature.
Primary osteosarcomas of the skull and skull base are rare, comprising <2% of all skull tumors. Primary osteosarcomas of the skull are aggressive neoplasms composed of spindle cells producing osteoid which have poor outcome. ⋯ Because osteosarcoma of skull is a rare disease, the early recognition and correct diagnosis are very important for a better prognosis. It is therefore imperative that clinicians recognize osteosarcoma early to make an accurate diagnosis and complete surgical resection followed by combined chemo-radiation is proved to be one of the most optimal treatment regimens.
Review Case Reports
Shoulder dislocation combined with proximal humerus fracture in children: A case report and literature review.
Proximal humerus fracture occuring simultaneously with dislocation of a shoulder in children is extremely rare, with only a few recent reports of on such cases having been reported. ⋯ We recommend open reduction with ESIN fixation for severely displaced proximal humeral metaphyseal fractures with shoulder dislocation in children. Preoperative bilateral anteroposterior shoulders x-ray is needed to confirm the shoulder location.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effect of joint mobilization techniques for primary total knee arthroplasty: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has become the most preferred procedure by patients for the relief of pain caused by knee osteoarthritis. TKA patients aim a speedy recovery after the surgery. Joint mobilization techniques for rehabilitation have been widely used to relieve pain and improve joint mobility. However, relevant randomized controlled trials showing the curative effect of these techniques remain lacking to date. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate whether joint mobilization techniques are valid for primary TKA. ⋯ The important features of this trial for joint mobilization techniques in primary TKA are randomization procedures, single-blind, large sample size, and standardized protocol. This study aims to investigate whether joint mobilization techniques are effective for early TKA patients. The result of this study may serve as a guide for TKA patients, medical personnel, and healthcare decision makers.
Review Case Reports
Spinal intramedullary tuberculoma following pulmonary tuberculosis: A case report and literature review.
Spinal intramedullary tuberculoma (IMTB) is a rare disease that accounts for 1 to 2/100,000 patients with tuberculosis. We presented a case with pulmonary tuberculosis and concurrent IMTB at C3 to C5 level and reviewed the recent case series and discussed the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. ⋯ IMTB is a rare disease that should be treated with a combination of medication and surgery. For patients with prominent spinal cord compression and neurological symptoms, early operation to remove the tumor is necessary.
Meta Analysis
Association between MDR1 C3435T polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk: A meta-analysis.
The multidrug resistance gene 1(MDR1) C3435T polymorphism has been reported to be associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in Asians, however the results were inconsistent. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis to generate large-scale evidence on the association between C3435T polymorphism and CRC risk in Asian populations. ⋯ In summary, this meta-analysis provided evidence that MDR1 C3435T polymorphism is associated with a decreased risk of CRC in Asian population.