Many children are hospitalized because of foreign body ingestion. In such circumstances, the gastroenterologist must consider the timing of ingestion; the size, type, and location of the object ingested; and the patient's symptoms. But appendiceal foreign body in infant is very rare. ⋯ An appendiceal foreign body is very rare in infant and there are currently no treatment guidelines. We report 2 cases of appendiceal foreign body including infant who gave us difficult decisions.
Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Multilevel cervical disc replacement versus multilevel anterior discectomy and fusion: A meta-analysis.
Cervical disc replacement (CDR) has been developed as an alternative surgical procedure to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) for the treatment of single-level cervical degenerative disc disease. However, patients with multilevel cervical degenerative disc disease (MCDDD) are common in our clinic. Multilevel CDR is less established compared with multilevel ACDF. This study aims to compare the outcomes and evaluate safety and efficacy of CDR versus ACDF for the treatment of MCDDD. ⋯ CDR may be a safe and effective surgical strategy for the treatment of MCDDD. However, there is insufficient evidence to draw a strong conclusion due to relatively low-quality evidence. Future long-term, multicenter, randomized, and controlled studies are needed to validate the safety and efficacy of multilevel CDR.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
The comparative preemptive analgesic efficacy of addition of vitamin B complex to gabapentin versus gabapentin alone in women undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia: A prospective randomized double-blind study.
Development of new multimodal analgesic regimens have led to substantial improvement in postoperative pain relief. We designed this study to compare the effect of combined vitamin B complex-gabapentin versus gabapentin alone on postoperative pain in women undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. ⋯ Addition of vitamin B complex to gabapentin reduced intensity of postoperative pain and also the total amount of analgesic consumption within the first 12 hours postoperative following cesarean section.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparison of the ETView Single Lumen and Macintosh laryngoscopes for endotracheal intubation in an airway manikin with immobilized cervical spine by novice paramedics: A randomized crossover manikin trial.
Management of the airway of a trauma victim is considered challenging. Various approaches have been described to achieve airway control in this setup; many of them include video-assited viewing of the larynx during intubation. ETView Single Lumen (SL) is a novice single-use endotracheal tube equiped with a video camera and a light source at its distal tip. Its use was previously described in seeral clinical and training setups. ⋯ The VivaSight SL system performed better in a complex scenario of airway management of a trauma victim in need for cervical spine stabilization performed by novice caregivers compared to standard direct laryngoscopy and should be considered in this clinical setup.
Observational Study
Elevated serum plasma fibrinogen is associated with advanced tumor stage and poor survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
Hyperfibrinogenemia has been reported to be a predictor of poor prognosis in cancer patients, and in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, survival remains uncertain and unpredictable. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between the level of plasma fibrinogen and overall survival in HCC patients. Overall, 308 patients with histologically proven HCC were included in our study. ⋯ The results of the univariate and multivariate analyses indicated that high plasma fibrinogen remained independently associated with poorer overall survival. In addition, high plasma fibrinogen levels were associated with nonresponse to transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) (P < .001). Elevated plasma fibrinogen was independently associated with advanced HCC stage, poor prognosis, and nonresponse to TACE and may, therefore, serve as a valuable clinical biomarker for predicting prognosis in HCC patients.