In Donguibogam, a representative encyclopedic source of knowledge on traditional Korean medicine, left-sided hemiparesis due to stroke is called "Tan" as a sort of "Heyol-Byeong," while right-sided hemiparesis due to stroke is called "Tan" as a sort of "Gi-Byeong." According to the theory of Donguibogam, diseases on the left or right side of the human body must be treated differently. Clinically, the symptoms caused by left and right hemisphere lesions in stroke patients differ, as the functions of the left and right hemispheres differ. Considering these facts, when treating patients in clinical practice, it may be useful to distinguish between diseases on the left or right side according to Donguibogam. ⋯ Based on this, we suggest that a different treatment strategy for gait rehabilitation can be used according to the paralyzed side. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Wonkwang University Korean Medicine Hospital in Gwangju (WKUGH), Republic of Korea (WKIRB 2018 - 25, November 28, 2018). This trial was registered with the Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS) of the Korea National Institute of Health (NIH), Republic of Korea (KCT0002984).
Observational Study
Ultrasound for predicting difficult airway in obstetric anesthesia: Protocol and methods for a prospective observational clinical study.
Failed intubation and ventilation during cesarean deliveries are important causes of anesthetic-related maternal mortality. Due to the physiological changes in airway anatomy, parturient had higher incidences of difficult airway than non-obstetric population. Accurate airway assessment is the first step and the most important in airway management. However, the common clinical screening tests, shown low sensitivity and specificity with a limited predictive value. Ultrasound is a quick, noninvasive, inexpensive tool, with the advancement of ultrasound technology, modern ultrasound machine is more portable with better resolution and enhanced tissue penetration, provide better imaging in tissues like epiglottis, vocal cords, ring-shaped membrane, and can be used in airway assessment. Here, the aim of the current study was to find whether preoperative ultrasound assessment of neck anatomy can predict difficult airway in parturient, and provide new ideas and a theoretical basis in the airway management of obstetric anesthesia. ⋯ The study outlined in this protocol will explore the possibility of ultrasound for predicting difficult airway in obstetric anesthesia. This may provide new insight into the practice of airway management.
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), a late complication of pulmonary embolism (PE), is associated with high mortality. However, whether the right ventricular (RV) echocardiographic parameters can predict - in the short- and long-term - the development of CTEPH and mortality after PE remains unknown. Herein, we aim to investigate the incidence of CTEPH after acute PE and to evaluate the risk factors of CTEPH. ⋯ Instead, malignancy, respiratory, or chronic heart failure was strongly associated with post PE mortality in the multivariable analysis. According to our findings, post PE screening of CTEPH may facilitate early diagnosis and intervention for patients at high risk of developing CTEPH. Also, RV echocardiographic parameters are associated with subsequent CTEPH, but mortality is mainly dependent on underlying comorbidities.
Comparative Study
Exophthalmometry values in the Hong Kong Chinese adult population from a population-based study.
This study aims to establish the range of exophthalmometry values (EV) in the adult Hong Kong (HK) Chinese population, its relationship with various anthropometric parameters, and to compare it with the EV in different ethnic groups. About 1485 adult HK Chinese were drawn from a random sample from the community-based FAMILY Cohort. Participants were interviewed, and comprehensive ophthalmological assessments were conducted. ⋯ Spherical equivalent had negative correlation with EV. There was no significant difference in EV between the right and left eye. Age and gender had significant effect on EV.
Interleukin(IL)-22 plays an important role in promoting liver regeneration and repair, but its role in chronic HBV-related liver diseasesis not clear. The goal of this study was to evaluate associations between eight IL22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the development of chronic HBV cirrhosis and HBV-related HCC within a Chinese Han population. ⋯ IL22 genetic variations were associated with chronic HBV infection progression, especially in the HBV-LC group. The IL22 genetic variations may help clinicians initiate the correct treatment strategy at the CHB stage.