Observational Study
Identification of core genes and clinical outcomes in tumors originated from endoderm (gastric cancer and lung carcinoma) via bioinformatics analysis.
During last decade, bioinformatics analysis has provided an effective way to study the relationship between various genes and biological processes. In this study, we aimed to identify potential core candidate genes and underlying mechanisms of progression of lung and gastric carcinomas which both originated from endoderm. The expression profiles, GSE54129 (gastric carcinoma) and GSE27262 (lung carcinoma), were collected from GEO database. ⋯ The Kaplan-Meier plotter website was applied to examine relationship among these genes and clinical outcomes. We found 4 genes (ADAM12, SPP1, COL1A1, COL11A1) were significantly associated with poor prognosis in both lung and gastric carcinoma patients (P < .05). In conclusion, these candidate genes may be potential therapeutic targets for cancer treatment.
Observational Study
Use of subcutaneous immunoglobulin in stiff person syndrome: Case series.
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has been shown to be effective for the treatment of stiff person syndrome (SPS). However, some patients might not tolerate it. We report the tolerability profile of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) in patients with SPS who did not tolerate IVIG. To our knowledge, the use of SCIg in SPS has not been reported before in a case series. ⋯ This case series highlights that SCIg could be a treatment option for patients with SPS, especially when IVIG is not feasible. Injection site reactions might be a limiting factor in some patients treated with SCIg. Prospective controlled studies are needed to confirm SCIg treatment durability and efficacy.
Case Reports
Role of tocilizumab for concomitant systemic fungal infection in severe COVID-19 patient: Case report.
Bacterial and fungal infections in Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) patients have been inadequately investigated and reported thus far. The safety profile of tocilizumab (TCZ) administration in candidemia patient still debatable. ⋯ This case underscores the safety profile of giving TCZ in candidemia as a secondary infection in severe COVID-19 patient.
Case Reports
Clinicopathological characteristics of primary peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma of clear cell type: A case report.
Primary peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma of clear cell type is an extremely rare entity composed of clear cytoplasm. It is challenging to diagnose because of the morphological resemblance to clear cell tumor. ⋯ Primary peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma of clear cell type needs to be differentiated from a variety of clear cell tumors. This disease is characterized by specific genetic alteration. Whole-exome sequencing contributes to guide individualized therapy. CRS-HIPEC helps achieve long-term overall survival.
Case Reports
Psychosis in a primary hyperparathyroidism patient with mild hypercalcemia: A case report.
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is characterized by hypercalcemia and an elevated level of serum parathyroid hormone (PTH). PHPT presents with a complex set of renal, skeletal, and neuropsychological symptoms. Parathyroidectomy (PTX) is a radical treatment that is recommended for all physically symptomatic patients with PHPT. However, psychiatric symptoms are not considered as an indication for surgery. There remains an important issue from the view of perioperative management of whether PTX should be performed with the presence of uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms or deferred until severe psychiatric symptoms have been controlled. We report a case of mild hypercalcemia that caused severe psychosis in PHPT, which improved dramatically following PTX and resulted in successful postoperative management. ⋯ We emphasize that PHPT presents with various severe psychiatric symptoms, even in mild hypercalcemia. Psychiatric symptoms may be the only salient symptoms in PHPT, and thus clinicians should suspect PHPT in patients with psychiatric symptoms and mild hypercalcemia. Furthermore, PTX is recommended for PHPT-even in the presence of severe uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms, which carries risks for postoperative management-because psychiatric symptoms are expected to improve and good postoperative management is possible.