The Journal of family practice
Review Meta Analysis
Should antenatal testing be performed in patients with a pre-pregnancy BMI ≥ 35?
Possibly. Elevated BMI is associated with an increased risk for stillbirth (strength of recommendation [SOR], B; cohort studies and meta-analysis of cohort studies). Three studies found an association between elevated BMI and stillbirth and one did not. However, no studies demonstrate that antenatal testing in pregnant people with higher BMIs decreases stillbirth rates, or that no harm is caused by unnecessary testing or resultant interventions.
Here is how to reduce risk factors that can lead to pulmonary hypertension; play a pivotal role in diagnosis; and know when disease requires a referral.
► elevated total cholesterol ► chest pains ►ketogenic diet.
A patient's age, clinical presentation, medical history, and circumstances at time of palsy onset suggest likely underlying causes and help prioritize choice of imaging.