The Journal of family practice
Case Reports
34-year-old man • chronic lower back pain • peripheral neuropathy • leg spasms with increasing weakness • Dx?
► Chronic lower back pain ► peripheral neuropathy ►leg spasms with increasing weakness.
Certain risk factors and this screening tool can help you identify patients at risk. Cognitive behavioral therapy and SSRIs can provide relief.
Fairly accurate. Photometric transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) testing may overestimate total serum bilirubin (TSB) in neonates with darker skin tones by a mean of 0.68 to > 2 mg/dL (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, diagnostic cohort studies with differing reference standards). Overall, TcB meters retain accept able accuracy in infants of all skin tones across a range of bilirubin levels, despite being more likely to underestimate lighter skin tones and overestimate darker ones (SOR: C, diagnostic cohort studies with differing reference standards). It is unclear if the higher readings prompt an increase in blood draws or otherwise alter care.
We initially suspected primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. But the patient's lab work, persistent fever, and cough led us in a different direction.