Physical therapy
Review Meta Analysis
Patient satisfaction with musculoskeletal physical therapy care: a systematic review.
Patient satisfaction is an important patient-centered health outcome. To date, no systematic review of the literature on patient satisfaction with musculoskeletal physical therapy care has been conducted. ⋯ Patients are highly satisfied with musculoskeletal physical therapy care delivered across outpatient settings in northern Europe, North America, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. The interpersonal attributes of the therapist and the process of care are key determinants of patient satisfaction. An unexpected finding was that treatment outcome was infrequently and inconsistently associated with patient satisfaction. Physical therapists can enhance the quality of patient-centered care by understanding and optimizing these determinants of patient satisfaction.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Supervised exercises compared with radial extracorporeal shock-wave therapy for subacromial shoulder pain: 1-year results of a single-blind randomized controlled trial.
Evidence from a recent randomized controlled trial indicated that supervised exercises (SE) were more effective than radial extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (rESWT) for the treatment of subacromial shoulder pain in the short to medium term. Little knowledge exists about the long-term results of rESWT for subacromial pain. ⋯ No significant difference was found between the SE and rESWT groups at the 1-year follow-up. More participants in the SE group had returned to work.
Despite the fact that people with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) frequently are seen by primary care physical therapists, guidelines for the management of FMS are based primarily on outcomes from multidisciplinary and tertiary care treatment studies. Few data addressing the treatment of patients with FMS in primary care currently are available. The evidence-based guidelines on the management of FMS are based, in part, on evidence from studies examining physical therapy treatment components alone (eg, aerobic exercise, education). ⋯ Primary care physical therapy for patients with FMS should include education, aerobic exercise, and strengthening exercise. For other treatment components such as passive treatments, activity management, and relaxation, less evidence currently is available to advocate their use in primary care physical therapy. Superior results are to be expected when various treatment components are combined.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Motor control exercises, sling exercises, and general exercises for patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up.
Exercise benefits patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain; however, the most effective type of exercise remains unknown. ⋯ This study gave no evidence that 8 treatments with individually instructed motor control exercises or sling exercises were superior to general exercises for chronic low back pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Examination of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with neck pain likely to benefit from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and a general cervical range of motion exercise: multi-center randomized clinical trial.
A clinical prediction rule (CPR) purported to identify patients with neck pain who are likely to respond to thoracic spine thrust manipulation has recently been developed, but has yet to be validated. ⋯ The results of the current study did not support the validity of the previously developed CPR. However, the results demonstrated that patients with mechanical neck pain who received thoracic spine manipulation and exercise exhibited significantly greater improvements in disability at both the short- and long-term follow-up periods and in pain at the 1-week follow-up compared with patients who received exercise only.