Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
Ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) toxicity is a serious emergency in both veterinary and human medicine. Ethylene glycol (E/G) is the active anti-freeze principle in radiator water additives. It is odourless, colourless and has a sweet taste. ⋯ The report contains a description of the 3 stages of ethylene glycol toxicity as well as a short discussion of the treatment. Public awareness about the dangers of anti-freeze will help in limiting exposure of pets and humans to this potentially fatal toxin. Veterinarians need to be aware of anti-freeze toxicity as delayed recognition and treatment will lead to the death of the patient.
A retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence, signalment, haematological and biochemical changes, therapy, and outcome of dogs presented to the Outpatients section of the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital for confirmed snake envenomation. Three hundred and seventy-six records of dogs presented for snake envenomation from 1998 to 2002 were reviewed and 155 were selected on the basis of there being a positively identified snake. The 2 most commonly encountered snake envenomations in dogs were puff-adders (Bitis arietans) and snouted cobras (Naja annulifera annulifera). ⋯ Thirty-eight dogs were treated with polyvalent antiserum: 9 for puff-adder envenomation and 29 for cobra envenomation. Only 2 of the dogs that received antisera died, both of them of cobra envenomation. The study concluded that snake envenomation in dogs is associated with high morbidity but moderate mortality rate and that the most significant haematological abnormality is thrombocytopaenia.
The monitoring of anaesthetic depth is usually based on the subjective assessment of the patient. An objective assessment of anaesthesia has only recently become possible. The auditory-evoked response has predictable changes in response to increasing doses of anaesthetic agents. ⋯ Statistically, the awake and sleep values were significantly different with a power of 0.99. From this study it can be concluded that the AAI Index shows good prospect for the evaluation of anaesthetic depth in dogs undergoing surgery. A larger study is needed to confirm these results.
Case Reports
A retrospective case series of computer-controlled total intravenous anaesthesia in dogs presented for neurosurgery.
This article describes the anaesthetic management and use of total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) for neurosurgery in 4 dogs. Propofol in conjunction with morphine was used for the maintenance of anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was induced with either thiopentone or propofol. ⋯ Intracranial pressure and oedema was controlled with dexamethasone, mannitol and ventilatory management either in combination or alone. Three dogs survived to hospital discharge and 1 dog was euthanased 2 weeks later due to tumour metastasis. The development and characterisation of the anaesthetic effects of TIVA needs to be elucidated in order to provide clinicians with rational guidelines for the appropriate use of TIVA in veterinary medicine.
The use of a midazolam/ketamine combination for induction of anaesthesia in a 2-month-old, hand-raised buffalo calf (Syncerus caffer) is described to allow endotracheal intubation for the maintenance of anaesthesia with isoflurane and oxygen. Intraoperative complications were hypotension and hypothermia. For postoperative analgesia meloxicam and butorphanol was administered intramuscularly.