Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 2013
Biography Historical ArticleWilliam P. Van Wagenen (1897-1961): pupil, mentor, and neurosurgical pioneer.
William Perrine ("Van") Van Wagenen (1897-1961) was the first Chief of Neurosurgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), serving from 1928 to 1954, and was a leading figure in 20th-century neurosurgery. He was a devoted pupil of Dr. ⋯ Upon his death in 1961 he bequeathed an endowment for the Van Wagenen Fellowship, which has advanced the education of many leaders in American neurosurgery. His legacy of operative skill, his commitment to resident education and research in neurological disease, his inspiration for the foundation of the Cushing Brain Tumor registry, and his contributions to organized neurosurgery form the foundation of the legacy of neurosurgery at URMC.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 2013
Biography Historical ArticleAntonius Balthazar Raymundus Hirsch and the peregrination of "gasserian ganglion".
The anatomical description of the fifth cranial nerve ganglion lacked detail before the work of Antonius Balthazar Raymundus Hirsch (1744-1778). Hirsch used new dissection techniques that resulted in the most meticulous report of the trigeminal ganglion (the gasserian ganglion) to have been reported. In 1765, the 21-year-old published these findings in a thesis, Paris Quinti Nervorum Encephali Disquisitio Anatomica In Quantum Ad Ganglion Sibi Proprium, Semilunare, Et Ad Originem Nervi Intercostalis Pertinet [An anatomical inquiry of the fifth pair of the nerves of the brain, so far as it relates to the ganglion unto itself, the semilunar, and to the source of the intercostal nerve]. ⋯ Oddly, Hirsch died at the young age of 35. For the present paper, the library at the University of Vienna (Universität Wien), Austria, was contacted, and Anton Hirsch's thesis was digitized and subsequently translated from Latin into English. The authors here attempt to place the recognition of the fifth cranial nerve ganglion within a historical perspective and trace the trajectory of its anatomical descriptions.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 2013
Review Case ReportsCerebral microarteriovenous malformations: a series of 28 cases.
Microarteriovenous malformations (micro-AVMs) are a rare subgroup of brain AVMs characterized by a nidus smaller than 1 cm. The authors' purpose in this study was to assess the clinical presentation, radiological features, therapeutic management, and outcome of these lesions. ⋯ Patients with micro-AVMs generally present with large intracranial hemorrhages and neurological deficits. If the initial angiography is negative, then delayed or superselective angiography is recommended. Magnetic resonance imaging may reveal the existence of these lesions. Surgery is the treatment of choice for superficial micro-AVMs, and radiosurgery or embolization can be considered for deep lesions.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 2013
Case ReportsPure arterial malformation of the posterior cerebral artery: importance of its recognition.
The finding of dilated, elongated, and tortuous vessels on brain imaging should prompt clinicians to determine what vascular anomaly is present. Importantly, not all suspicious serpentine flow voids are manifestations of arteriovenous malformations or arteriovenous fistulas. ⋯ Dynamic and 3D images were critical for determining the type of vascular anomaly and for guiding appropriate management. The authors propose that this case represents a pure arterial malformation and discuss its distinguishing features.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 2013
Review Case ReportsCase-specific protocol to reduce cerebrospinal fluid leakage after endonasal endoscopic surgery.
Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery is expanding in acceptance, yet postoperative CSF leak rates remain a concern. This study presents the Cornell closure protocol, which has yielded significantly lower postoperative CSF leak rates compared with prior reports, as an algorithm that can be used by centers having difficulty with CSF leak. ⋯ It is possible to achieve a CSF leak rate of 0% by using this closure protocol. With proper experience, endoscopic skull base surgery should not be considered to have a higher CSF leak rate than open transcranial or microscopic transsphenoidal surgery.