Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2014
ReviewMolecular genetics of paragangliomas of the skull base and head and neck region: implications for medical and surgical management.
Paragangliomas are rare, slow-growing tumors that frequently arise in the head and neck, with the carotid bodies and temporal bone of the skull base being the most common sites. These neoplasms are histologically similar to pheochromocytomas that form in the adrenal medulla and are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic subtypes based on functionality. Skull base and head and neck region paragangliomas (SHN-PGs) are almost always derived from parasympathetic tissue and rarely secrete catecholamines. ⋯ Collectively these findings demonstrate that paragangliomas of the skull base and head and neck region have a distinct genetic signature from sympathetic-based paragangliomas occurring below the neck, such as pheochromocytomas. Paragangliomas serve as a unique model of primarily surgically treated neoplasms whose future will be altered by the elucidation of their genomic complexities. In this review, the authors present an analysis of the molecular genetics of SHN-PG and provide future directions in patient care and the development of novel therapies.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2014
Case ReportsPrimary intracranial ectopic craniopharyngioma in a patient with probable Gardner's syndrome.
The authors describe a patient with an adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma (CPG) arising in the cerebellopontine angle (CPA), who also had probable Gardner's syndrome. This 31-year-old man presented with headache and dizziness. Brain CT and MRI showed a 5 × 4-cm lesion with multiple small calcifications in the left CPA. ⋯ Histopathological findings indicated an adamantinomatous CPG. This patient also showed characteristics of Gardner's syndrome. Although this syndrome is associated with intracranial neoplasms, it is unclear whether patients with both Gardner's syndrome and CPG are part of the heterogeneity of Gardner's syndrome.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2014
Microsurgical resection of extensive craniopharyngiomas using a frontolateral approach: operative technique and outcome.
An extensive craniopharyngioma is a tumor that extends into multiple compartments (subarachnoid spaces) and attains a size larger than 4 cm. A wide spectrum of approaches and strategies has been used for resection of such craniopharyngiomas. In this report the authors focused on the feasibility and efficacy of microsurgical resection of extensive craniopharyngiomas using a frontolateral approach. ⋯ The safe and simple frontolateral approach provides adequate access even to extensive craniopharyngiomas and enables their complete removal with a reasonable morbidity and approach-related complication rate.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2014
The role for adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment of hemangiopericytoma: a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results analysis.
Central nervous system (CNS) hemangiopericytomas are relatively uncommon and unique among CNS tumors as they can originate from or develop metastases outside of the CNS. Significant difference of opinion exists in the management of these lesions, as current treatment paradigms are based on limited clinical experience and single-institution series. Given these limitations and the absence of prospective clinical trials within the literature, nationwide registries have the potential to provide unique insight into the efficacy of various therapies. ⋯ The authors describe the epidemiology of CNS hemangiopericytomas in a large, national cancer database, evaluating the effectiveness of various treatment paradigms used in clinical practice. In this study, an overall survival benefit was found when GTR was accomplished and combined with radiation therapy. This finding has not been appreciated in previous series of patients with CNS hemangiopericytoma and warrants future investigations into the role of upfront adjuvant radiation therapy.