Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Nov 2015
Case ReportsVascularized rotational temporal bone flap for repair of anterior skull base defects: a novel operative technique.
Repair of anterior skull base defects with vascularized grafts poses a significant challenge, given the location and small number of adequately sized vessels for free-flap anastomosis. This is particularly the case in the setting of redo surgery or in patients with preexisting soft-tissue trauma. Even more difficult is achieving a vascularized bone flap closure of such bony defects. ⋯ Resection of the recurrent tumor was performed. The bony defect in the anterior skull base was repaired with a novel vascularized rotational temporal bone flap, with acceptable separation of the nasopharynx from the intracranial cavity. The vascularized rotational temporal bone flap, in which a temporalis muscle pedicle is used, provides a novel and easily accessible means of vascularized bone closure of anterior skull base defects without the need for microsurgical free-flap grafting.
Journal of neurosurgery · Nov 2015
Review Meta Analysis Comparative StudyComparisons between small intestinal and gastric feeding in severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Nutritional support is highly recommended for reducing the risk of nosocomial infections, such as pneumonitis, in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Currently, there is no consensus for the preferred route of feeding. The authors compared the risks of pneumonitis and other important outcomes associated with small intestinal and gastric feeding in patients with severe TBI. ⋯ The limited evidence suggests that small bowel feeding in patients with severe TBI is associated with a risk of pneumonia that is lower than that with gastric feeding. From this result, the authors recommend the use of small intestinal feeding to reduce the incidence of pneumonitis in patients with severe TBI.