Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · May 2017
Interrater and intrarater reliability of the Knosp scale for pituitary adenoma grading.
OBJECTIVE The goal of this study was to determine the interrater and intrarater reliability of the Knosp grading scale for predicting pituitary adenoma cavernous sinus (CS) involvement. METHODS Six independent raters (3 neurosurgery residents, 2 pituitary surgeons, and 1 neuroradiologist) participated in the study. Each rater scored 50 unique pituitary MRI scans (with contrast) of biopsy-proven pituitary adenoma. ⋯ CONCLUSIONS Although these findings suggest that the Knosp grading scale has acceptable interrater reliability overall, it raises important questions about the "very weak" reliability of the scale's middle grades. By dichotomizing the scale into clinically useful groups, the authors were able to address the poor reliability and percent agreement of the intermediate grades and to isolate the most important grades for use in surgical decision making (Grades 3 and 4). Authors of future pituitary surgery studies should consider reporting Knosp grades as dichotomized results rather than as the full scale to optimize the reliability of the scale.
Journal of neurosurgery · May 2017
Case ReportsHigh-grade glioma with anterior skull base erosion and intranasal extension: case report.
The authors describe the case of a large WHO Grade III anaplastic oligoastrocytoma extending through the anterior skull base and into the right nasal cavity and sinuses. Glial neoplasms are typically confined to the intracranial compartment within the brain parenchyma and rarely extend into the nasal cavity without prior surgical or radiation therapy. This 42-year-old woman presented with progressive headaches and sinus congestion. ⋯ Pathological diagnosis revealed a WHO Grade III oligoastrocytoma. This report reviews the mechanisms of extradural glioma extension. To the authors' knowledge, it is the second report of a high-grade glioma exhibiting nasal extension without prior surgical or radiation treatment.