Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · May 2020
Simultaneous explantation and implantation of intrathecal pumps: a case series.
Intrathecal drug delivery devices (IDDDs) are a mainstay in the treatment of spasticity and refractory pain. While these devices have been shown to greatly improve the quality of life for patients, they also have a high perioperative complication and failure rate. A major complication of IDDD implantation is infection. The current standard of care in the treatment of IDDD infection necessitates that the pump be explanted and the infection treated prior to implantation of a new IDDD. This process leads to long hospital stays, interruptions in optimal medical management, and a high risk for dangerous drug withdrawals. The authors describe a technique that allows for the explantation of the infected pump and implantation of a new pump concurrently, which they have named the "Turner Switch" technique in honor of its inventor. ⋯ IDDD infections represent a large portion of morbidity associated with these devices. The current standard of care for deep pump infections requires pump explantation and a course of antibiotics prior to reimplantation of the IDDD. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of a procedure involving simultaneous explantation of an infected pump and implantation of a new pump on the contralateral side in the treatment of IDDD infections.