Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2023
Changes in patterns of traumatic brain injury in the Michigan Trauma Quality Improvement Program database early in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The authors' objective was to investigate the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on hospital presentation and process of care for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Improved understanding of these effects will inform sociopolitical and hospital policies in response to future pandemics. ⋯ During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of patients who presented with TBI was initially lower than in the years 2017-2019 prior to the pandemic. However, there was a subsequent increase in the rate of encounters with TBI, resulting in overall similar rates of TBI between March 13 through July 2 during the COVID-19 period and during the pre-COVID-19 period. The COVID-19 cohort was also associated with negative impacts on time to presentation, rate of decubitus ulcers, and discharge with supervision. Policies in response to future pandemics must consider the resources necessary to care for patients with TBI.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2023
A standardized infection prevention bundle for reduction of CSF shunt infections in adult ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery performed without antibiotic-impregnated catheters.
Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt insertion and revision surgeries are some of the most common procedures that are performed by neurosurgeons. Shunt infections within the adult population are associated with significant morbidity and mortality and rates remain high. The objective of the current study was to use quality improvement (QI) methodology to create a standardized infection prevention bundle aimed at reducing the rate of shunt infections. ⋯ The implementation of a standardized shunt infection prevention bundle within the adult population, without the use of antibiotic-impregnated catheters, significantly reduced the rate of shunt infections which was sustained over many years. The use of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% isopropyl alcohol for preoperative antisepsis may have played a significant role. Multicenter studies should be completed to verify the effectiveness of the authors' protocol.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2023
Equity in neurosurgery: a worldwide survey of women neurosurgeons.
The global neurosurgery workforce does not have a defined stance on gender equity. The authors sought to study and characterize the demographic features of the international women neurosurgery community and to better understand the perceptions and reflections of their neurosurgical careers. The objective was to define and characterize the workplace inequities faced by the global women neurosurgeon community. ⋯ This survey provides international feedback for characterizing and understanding the experiences of women neurosurgeons worldwide. Future research should aim to understand all neurosurgeons' experiences throughout the pipeline and career life cycle of neurosurgery in order to improve the field of neurosurgery.
Journal of neurosurgery · Feb 2023
Development of an ultrafast brain MR neuronavigation protocol for ventricular shunt placement.
Advancements in MRI technology have provided improved ways to acquire imaging data and to more seamlessly incorporate MRI into modern pediatric surgical practice. One such situation is image-guided navigation for pediatric neurosurgical procedures, including intracranial catheter placement. Image-guided surgery (IGS) requires acquisition of CT or MR images, but the former carries the risk of ionizing radiation and the latter is associated with long scan times and often requires pediatric patients to be sedated. The objective of this project was to circumvent the use of CT and standard-sequence MRI in ventricular neuronavigation by investigating the use of fast MR sequences on the basis of 3 criteria: scan duration comparable to that of CT acquisition, visualization of ventricular morphology, and image registration with surface renderings comparable to standard of care. The aim of this work was to report image development, implementation, and results of registration accuracy testing in healthy subjects. ⋯ The developed and tested sequence of this work allowed accurate intraoperative image registration and provided sufficient parenchymal contrast for visualization of ventricular anatomy. Further investigations will evaluate use of the PICO protocol as a substitute for CT and conventional MRI protocols in ventricular neuronavigation.