Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Jul 2001
Review Case ReportsTarlov cysts: a study of 10 cases with review of the literature.
Tarlov or perineurial cysts are lesions of the nerve root most often found in the sacral region. Although there is agreement that asymptomatic Tarlov cysts should be followed, it is still debated whether patients with symptomatic Tarlov cysts should be treated surgically. The authors assessed the outcome and efficacy of cyst wall resection in 10 patients with symptomatic Tarlov cysts. The medical literature is reviewed, theories of origin are evaluated, and suggestions as to their cause and pathogenesis are offered. ⋯ Large cysts (> 1.5 cm) and the presence of associated radicular symptoms strongly correlate with excellent outcome. Tarlov cysts may result from increased hydrostatic pressure and trauma.
Journal of neurosurgery · Jul 2001
Comparative StudyCadaveric fibula, locking plate, and allogeneic bone matrix for anterior cervical fusions after cervical discectomy for radiculopathy or myelopathy.
The authors have previously reported that the results of using cadaveric fibula and locking plate (CF/LP) fusion following anterior cervical discectomy (ACD) for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy and myelopathy are superior to those obtained using autologous iliac crest (AIC) grafts in the short term. The long-term results of using this construct are important in substantiating this improvement. The authors report on 246 consecutive patients (54% smokers) who underwent ACD with CF/LP fusion (175 with allogeneic bone matrix [ABM]) and compare them with 111 consecutive patients in whom AIC fusions (49% smokers) were performed by the same surgeons. ⋯ When fusion is necessary following ACD, the results of CF/LP fusion are significantly superior in the first 5 years after surgery compared with those for AIC fusions. It remains to be determined if demineralized ABM has a significant effect in enhancing fusion.
Journal of neurosurgery · Jul 2001
Comparative StudyAdjacent-segment morbidity after Graf ligamentoplasty compared with posterolateral lumbar fusion.
Of concern to spine surgeons are accelerated degenerative changes of motion segments located above and below where spinal fusion has been performed. Graf artificial ligament stabilization has been developed to avoid the adverse effect of spinal fusion. The object of this study was to assess the adjacent-segment morbidity of Graf ligamentoplasty compared with posterolateral fusion (PF) in which instrumentation was used. ⋯ Graf ligamentoplasty cannot completely replace spinal fusion. In a well-selected group of patients, however, it was shown to maintain lumbar mobility and sagittal alignment, and it decreased the risk of adjacent-segment deterioration compared with PF with instrumentation.
The authors sought to analyze prospectively the outcome of surgery for complex spinal deformity in the pediatric and young adult populations. ⋯ Compared with other major neurosurgical operations, segmental instrumentation for pediatric and adolescent spinal deformity is a safe procedure with minimal morbidity and there is a low risk of needing to use allogeneic blood products.
Journal of neurosurgery · Jul 2001
Case ReportsHematogenous pyogenic facet joint infection of the subaxial cervical spine. A report of two cases and review of the literature.
Two cases of hematogenous, pyogenic, subaxial cervical facet joint infection are reported, and the literature is reviewed. Infection of the cervical facet joint is a rarely diagnosed condition; only one case has been reported in the literature. Lumbar facet joint infections are also rare but more commonly reported. ⋯ Hematogenous cervical facet joint infection is a rare clinical entity that has many characteristics in common with the more-common lumbar homolog. All three reported cases, however, have been complicated by epidural abscess or granulation tissue formation that has led to a neurological deficit. This finding suggests that a facet joint infection in the cervical spine may have a less benign clinical course than that in the lumbar spine.