Clinical genetics
Comparative Study
Family system characteristics and psychological adjustment to cancer susceptibility genetic testing: a prospective study.
This study examined prospectively the contribution of family functioning, differentiation to parents, family communication and support from relatives to psychological distress in individuals undergoing genetic susceptibility testing for a known familial pathogenic BRCA1/2 or Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer-related mutation. Family functioning, differentiation to parents, hereditary cancer-related family communication and perceived support from relatives were assessed in 271 participants for genetic testing before test result disclosure. ⋯ Especially, open communication regarding hereditary cancer and partner support may be important buffers against hereditary cancer distress. Identifying individuals with insufficient sources of support and addressing the family communication concerning hereditary cancer in genetic counseling may help the counselee to adjust better to genetic testing.
The BRCAPRO, Couch, Myriad I and II, Ontario Family History Assessment Tool (FHAT), and Manchester models have been used to predict BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carrier status of women at high risk for developing the heritable form of breast and ovarian cancers. We have evaluated these models for their accuracy in classifying 224 French Canadian families with at least three cases of breast cancer (diagnosed before the age of 65 years), ovarian cancer, or male breast cancer where mutation status was known for an index affected case used to assess the model. This series includes 44 BRCA1 and 52 BRCA2 mutation-positive families. ⋯ Only 38 of 128 (30%) mutation-negative group had a probability greater than 0.43 with the BRCAPRO model. While all models were highly predictive of carrier status, the BRCAPRO model was the most accurate where a cut-off of 10% would have eliminated 60 of 128 (47%) mutation-negative families for genetic testing and only miss 10 of 96 (10%) mutation-positive families. A review of the cancer phenotypes with high BRCAPRO probabilities showed that significantly more metachronous bilateral breast cancer cases occurred in BRCA1/2 mutation carrier families in comparison to mutation-negative families, a feature which is not discriminated in the BRCAPRO model.
There is a growing movement in medical genetics to develop, implement, and promote a model of race-based medicine. Although race-based medicine may become a widely disseminated standard of care, messages that advocate race-based selection for diagnosing, screening and prescribing drugs may exacerbate health disparities. These messages are present in clinical genetic counseling sessions, mass media, and everyday talk. ⋯ Following an integration of this research, this mini-review suggests that the current literature appears fragmented because of methodological and measurement issues and offers strategies for future research. Finally, the authors offer a path model to help organize future research examining the effects of messages about genetics on socioculturally based racism, genetically based racism, and unaccounted for racism. Research in this area is needed to understand and mitigate the negative attitudinal effects of messages that link genes, race, and health and/or emphasize genetic causation.
The current study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations in Greek moderate- and low-risk individuals with respect to clinicopathological phenotype and clinical outcome of breast cancer. Ninety-four consecutive individuals were prospectively recruited from two University Breast Cancer Clinics (Hippokrateion Hospitan and Laikon Hospital) between 1989 and 1999 and were categorized as moderate-risk and low-risk individuals for carrying BRCA1/2 germline mutations. To identify the underlying mutations, protein-truncation test and single-strand conformation polymorphism methods were used, followed by direct sequencing. ⋯ Furthermore, BRCA1/2 mutation carriers presented an excellent 4.5-year overall survival (100%). Our results reveal the unique characteristics of BRCA1/2 mutation status, genotype-phenotype correlations, and prognosis, in moderate- and low-risk individuals of Greek ancestry. Breast cancer due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes appears to be a heterogeneous syndrome in the Greek population.
Hirschsprung's disease is characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the gastrointestinal tract. Genetic dissection was successful as nine genes and four loci for Hirschsprung's disease susceptibility were identified. Different approaches were used to find these loci such as classical linkage in large families, identity by descent mapping in an inbred kindred, candidate gene approaches based on naturally occurring mutant mice models, and finally the use of model-free linkage and association analyzes. ⋯ The non-Mendelian inheritance of sporadic non-syndromic Hirschsprung's disease proved to be complex; involvement of multiple loci was demonstrated in a multiplicative model. We discuss the practical implications of the elucidation of genes associated with Hirschsprung's disease susceptibility for genetic counseling. Finally, we speculate on possible strategies to identify new genes for Hirschsprung's disease.