RöFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin
Review Comparative Study
[Hydration for the prevention of contrast medium-induced nephropathy: an update].
Contrast medium-induced nephropathy (CIN) continues to be one of the most common causes of hospital-acquired acute renal failure. Since most of the clinical studies on the prophylactic use of different drugs to prevent CIN produced disappointing results, hydration remains the mainstay of prophylaxis. A number of recent prospective randomized trials provided further evidence of the effectiveness of hydration and relevant information regarding the optimization of hydration protocols. ⋯ Another hydration protocol, which could also be very attractive especially for outpatients, included the infusion of sodium bicarbonate. In a recent trial, hydration with sodium bicarbonate, given as a bolus for 1 hr. prior to examination followed by an infusion for 6 hrs. after examination, was more effective than hydration with sodium chloride for the prophylaxis of CIN. However, there is still a lack of large-scale, multi-center trials comparing different hydration protocols and investigating their influence on clinically relevant endpoints such as mortality or the need for dialysis.
Comparative Study
[Initial results of shoulder MRI in external rotation after primary shoulder dislocation and after immobilization in external rotation].
A change in the strategy for treating primary anterior traumatic dislocation of the shoulder has occurred. To date, brief fixation of internal rotation via a Gilchrist bandage has been used. Depending on the patient's age, a redislocation is seen in up to 90 % of cases. This is due to healing of the internally rotated labrum-ligament tear in an incorrect position. In the case of external rotation of the humerus, better repositioning of the labrum ligament complex is achieved. Using MRI of the shoulder in external rotation, the extent of the improved labrum-ligament adjustment can be documented, and the indication of immobilization of the shoulder in external rotation can be derived. The aim of this investigation is to describe the degree of position changing of the labrum-ligament tear in internal und external rotation. ⋯ In anterior labrum-ligament tears, the axial MRI of the shoulder in external rotation demonstrates a more physiologic position of the glenoid. This may indicate an immobilization of the shoulder in external rotation, which results in a more anatomical healing of the glenoidal tear. Thus, in the case of labrum-ligament tears, MRI in external rotation is becoming indispensable.
Comparative Study
[MR Imaging of the pelvis in the diagnosis of the endometrium in breast cancer patients in tamoxifen therapy].
The purpose of the study was to determine the value of MR imaging of the pelvis in the diagnostic work-up of the endometrium in breast cancer patients in tamoxifen therapy. ⋯ MR imaging might be helpful in the diagnosis of endometrium pathologies during tamoxifen therapy. Therefore, MR imaging of the pelvis could be used as a diagnostic tool in the follow-up diagnosis of the endometrium in breast cancer patients in tamoxifen therapy.
Comparative Study
[Optimizing staff radiation protection in radiology by minimizing the effective dose].
In the present study the optimization of radiation protection devices is achieved by minimizing the effective dose of the staff members since the stochastic radiation effects correlate to the effective dose. ⋯ The use of thyroid protection collars is an effective preventive measure against exceeding occupational organ dose limits, and a thyroid shield also considerably reduces the effective dose. Therefore, thyroid protection collars should be a required component of anti-X protection.