RöFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin
Comparative Study
[Analysis of vascularity in breast tumors--comparison of high frequency ultrasound and contrast-enhanced color harmonic imaging].
To compare the ability of standard power Doppler and color harmonic imaging for visualising breast tumor vascularity using ultrasound probes of various frequencies, and to evaluate the influence on diagnostic accuracy using ultrasound contrast agent. ⋯ Best quantitative and qualitative visualisation of the tumor vascularity was achieved using the enhanced 12 MHz standard power mode. Nevertheless, the highest diagnostic accuracy was obtained using enhanced 9 MHz standard power Doppler and enhanced 9 MHz color harmonic imaging. The visualisation of tumor vascularity and, partially, the diagnostic accuracy are improved significantly by color harmonic imaging without changing the probe frequently.
Comparative Study
[Interdisciplinary interventional therapy for tracheobronchial stenosis with modern metal net stents].
Assessment of the therapeutic potential of tracheobronchial stenting for obstructive tracheobronchial disease, in-vivo comparison of different stent types and development of helpful criteria for choosing the suitable stent type. ⋯ Any of the 3 stent types proved to be an effective therapeutic option in the management of obstructive tracheobronchial disease. Choise of the stent type should be determined through definition of the therapeutic intention. It is useful to distinguish between (a) benign stenosis, (b) malignant stenosis but curative therapeutic situation and (c) malignant stenosis in a palliative therapeutic situation with limited life expectancy. In spite of its superior mechanical properties the Wallstent is rather suited for a palliative situation because explantation may be difficult. The Strecker Stent requires more reinterventions but removal is easy to perform. The Nitinolstent possibly represents a reasonable compromise.
Comparative Study
[Correlation of FDG-PET and MRI/CT with histopathology in primary diagnosis, lymph node staging and diagnosis of recurrency of head and neck cancer].
Correct staging of head and neck cancer is important for the patient's prognosis and further therapeutic strategies. Aim of the present study was to investigate the diagnostic value of FDG-PET regarding the pre-surgical diagnosis of primary tumor and cervical lymph node metastases, the diagnosis of tumour recurrence, and the localisation of unknown primary, further to compare the results to those of morphological imaging modalities (CT/MRI) and to correlate the results of both methods with histopathological findings. ⋯ FDG-PET provides only minor additional information to morphological imaging concerning diagnosis of primary tumors. At a similar level of sensitivity, however, it seems to be more specific regarding the lymph node involvement. PET seems to be superior to CT/MRI in detecting tumor recurrence as well as occult primary tumors in pts with known cervical lymph node metastases.
Comparative Study
[Contrast-enhanced intracranial 3 D MR angiography (CE-MRA) in assessing arterial stenoses and aneurysms].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic potential of CE-MR angiography in intracranial arterial stenoses and aneurysms. ⋯ Stenoses of small vessels were graded less exactly by CE-MRA than by TOF-MRA due to lower spatial resolution. CE-MRA, however, seems to be superior in regions of turbulent or slow blood flow. CE-MRA also offers advantages in follow-up examinations of coil-occluded aneurysms.