RöFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin
Thoracic CT for patients in intensive care is cumbersome but provides important additional information in the presence of complicated lung changes. Total opacification of a lung field visualised on conventional portable films may be due to infiltration and/or fluid and/or collapse by using the clinical information in conjunction with densitometric measurements. ⋯ It is also possible to accurately localise abscesses and empyemas in the presence of extensive consolidation. This makes it possible to drain abscesses or empyemas, or pleural fluid in unusual situations, which has become loculated, or to aspirate a pneumothorax.
In 1984 Henning, Nauerth, Friedburg and Ratzel described a new MRI data acquisition technique called RARE (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement). Several clinical applications have been published. ⋯ On the basis of 175 cases current potentials and limitations are discussed. Future applications of 3D-RARE myelography are mentioned.
Air cisternograms at post mortem and positive contrast cisternograms on patients were performed in order to study intracisternal structures, particularly cranial nerves, as seen on CT. Air and contrast CT cisternograms showed excellent demonstration of the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth cranial nerves. ⋯ The anthropologic baseline appears highly suitable for CT examination of the basal cisterns. The complementary coronal projection is also very valuable.
Giant-cell reparative granulomas are observed not infrequently in the mandible as sharply demarcated osteolytic lesions. On the other hand, these tumour-like lesions occurring in short tubular bones are rarely reported in the literature and, so far, only 27 cases have been described. ⋯ The actual occurrence is probably greater if one assumes that the lesion is caused by an intra-osseous bleeding. This pathogenic mechanism is supported by histological evidence.