Comparative Study
Age differences in postoperative pain are scale dependent: a comparison of measures of pain intensity and quality in younger and older surgical patients.
As the population ages, research into the assessment of postoperative pain in older patients is urgently needed. The reliability and validity of most pain scales for the assessment of acute postoperative pain in the elderly remain to be demonstrated. The present study reports the analysis of age-related patterns on three pain scales (McGill Pain Questionnaire, MPQ; Present Pain Intensity, PPI; and Visual Analog Scale, VAS) completed by younger (n=95, mean age=56.4+/-5.8 years) and older (n=105; mean age=66.8+/-2.7 years) men following radical prostatectomy. ⋯ POD effect sizes did not differ between the scales or age groups suggesting that all three scales have comparable sensitivity within an age group. However, the different results between the scales for the effect of age suggests that the VAS is not sufficiently sensitive to detect age differences. Therefore, age differences in postoperative pain are better captured by verbal descriptions of pain qualities than non-verbal measures of intensity.
Comparative Study
Development of motor system dysfunction following whiplash injury.
Dysfunction in the motor system is a feature of persistent whiplash associated disorders. Little is known about motor dysfunction in the early stages following injury and of its progress in those persons who recover and those who develop persistent symptoms. This study measured prospectively, motor system function (cervical range of movement (ROM), joint position error (JPE) and activity of the superficial neck flexors (EMG) during a test of cranio-cervical flexion) as well as a measure of fear of re-injury (TAMPA) in 66 whiplash subjects within 1 month of injury and then 2 and 3 months post injury. ⋯ TAMPA scores of the moderate/severe group were higher than those of the other two groups. The differences in TAMPA did not impact on ROM, EMG or JPE. This study identifies, for the first time, deficits in the motor system, as early as 1 month post whiplash injury, that persisted not only in those reporting moderate/severe symptoms at 3 months but also in subjects who recovered and those with persistent mild symptoms.
Spinal cord injury has been recognized as a complication of cervical transforaminal injections, but the mechanism of injury is uncertain. In the course of a transforaminal injection, an observation was made after the initial injection of contrast medium. The contrast medium filled a radicular artery that passed to the spinal cord. ⋯ This case demonstrates that despite using careful and accurate technique, it is possible for material to be injected into a radicular artery. Consequently, inadvertent injection of corticosteroids into a radicular artery may be the mechanism for spinal cord injury following transforaminal injections. This observation warns operators to always perform a test injection of contrast medium, and carefully check for arterial filling using real-time fluoroscopy with digital subtraction.
Comparative Study
Differential recruitment of endogenous pain inhibitory systems in neuropathic pain patients.
Neuronal hyperexcitability is a key finding in patients with neuropathic pain. Contributing to hyperexcitability may be decreased activity in the endogenous pain inhibitory systems. The present study aimed at recruiting descending inhibition, by the use of painful heterotopic stimulation (HTS), in 16 patients with peripheral chronic neuropathic pain and associated brush-evoked allodynia. ⋯ In contrast, neither the intensity of brush-evoked allodynia nor the ongoing pain was significantly changed. The results indicate that endogenous pain modulating systems can alter some aspects of chronic neuropathic brush-evoked allodynia. The differential effect of painful HTS on ongoing pain and area of brush-evoked allodynia suggest that separate mechanisms are involved.
A number of studies have shown that catastrophizing is an important predictor of pain and disability in persons having persistent pain conditions. The newly developed communal model of catastrophizing maintains that catastrophizing is a part of broader, interpersonal style of coping in which coping efforts are directed at interpersonal goals, rather than solely at pain reduction. This study examined the potential interpersonal correlates of pain catastrophizing in a sample of 70 patients having gastrointestinal cancers and their caregivers. ⋯ Caregivers of patients who catastrophized, rated the patient as having more pain and engaging in more pain behavior. Caregivers of patients who catastrophized, also reported higher levels of caregiver stress and critical behaviors. Taken together, these preliminary findings suggest that pain catastrophizing has interpersonal correlates and support the need for additional research examining the social context of pain catastrophizing.