Recently, local morphologic alterations of the brain in areas ascribable to the transmission of pain were detected in patients suffering from phantom pain, chronic back pain, irritable bowl syndrome, fibromyalgia and two types of frequent headaches. These alterations were different for each pain syndrome, but overlapped in the cingulate cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex, the insula and dorsal pons. ⋯ As it seems that chronic pain patients have a common "brain signature" in areas known to be involved in pain regulation, the question arises whether these changes are the cause or the consequence of chronic pain. The author suggests that the gray matter change observed in chronic pain patients are the consequence of frequent nociceptive input and should thus be reversible when pain is adequately treated.
Neuropathic pain consequent to peripheral injury is associated with local inflammation and overexpression of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and inflammatory cytokines in locally recruited macrophages, Schwann and glial cells. We investigated the time course and localization of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and cytokines in the central (spinal cord and thalamus) and peripheral nervous system (nerve and dorsal root ganglia), in a mouse model of mononeuropathy induced by sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury. ATP is recognized as an endogenous pain mediator. ⋯ PPADS (25mg/kg) completely reversed nociceptive hypersensitivity and simultaneously reduced the increased NO/NOS system and IL-1beta in both peripheral (injured sciatic nerve and L4-L6 ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia) and central steps of nervous system (L4-L6 spinal cord and thalamus) involved in pain signalling. IL-6 was overexpressed only in the peripheral nervous system and PPADS prolonged administration reduced it in sciatic nerve. In conclusion, we hypothesize that NO/NOS and IL-1beta have a pronociceptive role in this neuropathy model, and that purinergic antagonism reduces pain hypersensitivity by inhibiting their overactivity.
Comparative Study
Complement activation in the peripheral nervous system following the spinal nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain.
Neuroinflammatory and neuroimmune mechanisms, as exemplified by infiltrating immune cells and activation of resident endothelial/glial cells, respectively, are known to be involved in the establishment and maintenance of chronic pain. An immune system pathway that may be involved in the activation of both immune and glial cells is complement. The complement pathway is made up of a large number of distinct plasma proteins which react with one another to opsonize pathogens and induce a series of inflammatory responses to help fight infection. ⋯ To test the hypothesis that complement plays a role in neuropathic pain, SNL rats were treated with cobra venom factor (CVF) to deplete plasma of complement component C3. Pain behavior was significantly attenuated in SNL rats treated with CVF as was complement activity at the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia. Our results suggest the complement pathway might be a novel target for the development of neuropathic pain therapeutics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Is pain relief equally efficacious and free of side effects with repeated doses of oral sucrose in preterm neonates?
The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy and potential side effects of repeated doses of oral sucrose for pain relief during procedures in NICU. Thirty-three preterm neonates were randomly allocated in blind fashion into two groups, the sucrose group (SG=17) and the control group (CG=16). The responses of neonates to pain and distress were assessed during blood collection on four consecutive assessment (ass.) days. ⋯ There were significantly fewer SG neonates crying during A (ass.2), P (ass.2 and ass.4), and D (ass.3). There was no statistical difference between-groups for physiological response. The efficacy of sucrose was maintained for pain relief in preterm neonates with no side effects.
Comparative Study
Psychosocial risk markers for new onset irritable bowel syndrome--results of a large prospective population-based study.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects up to 22% of the general population. Its aetiology remains unclear. Previously reported cross-sectional associations with psychological distress and depression are not fully understood. ⋯ After adjustment for age, gender and baseline abdominal pain status, high levels of illness behaviour (odds ratio (OR)=5.2; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.5-11.0), anxiety (OR=2.0; 95% CI 0.98-4.1), sleep problems (OR=1.6; 95% CI 0.8-3.2), and somatic symptoms (OR=1.6; 95% CI 0.8-2.9) were found to be independent predictors of IBS onset. This study has demonstrated that psychosocial factors indicative of the process of somatisation are independent risk markers for the development of IBS in a group of subjects previously free of IBS. Similar relationships are observed in other "functional" disorders, further supporting the hypothesis that they have similar aetiologies.