A vast diversity of salient cues is sensed by numerous classes of primary sensory neurons, defined by specific neuropeptides, ion channels, or cytoskeletal proteins. Recent evidence has demonstrated a correlation between the expression of some of these molecular markers and transmission of signals related to distinct sensory modalities (eg, heat, cold, pressure). Voltage-gated sodium channel Na(v)1.8 has been reported to be preferentially expressed in small-diameter unmyelinated sensory afferents specialized for the detection of noxious stimuli (nociceptors), and Na(v)1.8-Cre mice have been widely used to investigate gene function in nociceptors. ⋯ We demonstrate that 75% of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons express Na(v)1.8-Cre, including >90% of neurons expressing markers of nociceptors and, unexpectedly, a large population (∼40%) of neurons with myelinated A fibers. Furthermore, analysis of DRG neurons' central and peripheral projections revealed that Na(v)1.8-Cre is not restricted to nociceptors but is also expressed by at least 2 types of low-threshold mechanoreceptors essential for touch sensation, including those with C and Aβ fibers. Our results indicate that Na(v)1.8 underlies electrical activity of sensory neurons subserving multiple functional modalities, and call for cautious interpretation of the phenotypes of Na(v)1.8-Cre-driven conditional knockout mice.