Comparative Study
Impaired spatial body representation in complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS I).
Recently, a shift of the visual subjective body midline (vSM), a correlate of the egocentric reference frame, towards the affected side was reported in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). However, the specificity of this finding is as yet unclear. This study compares 24 CRPS patients to 21 patients with upper limb pain of other origin (pain control) and to 24 healthy subjects using a comprehensive test battery, including assessment of the vSM in light and dark, line bisection, hand laterality recognition, neglect-like severity symptoms, and motor impairment (disability of the arm, shoulder, and hand). ⋯ 1-way analysis of variance, t-tests, significance level: 0.05. In the dark, CRPS patients displayed a significantly larger leftward spatial bias when estimating their vSM, compared to pain controls and healthy subjects, and also reported lower motor function than pain controls. For right-affected CRPS patients only, the deviation of the vSM correlated significantly with the severity of distorted body perception. Results confirm previous findings of impaired visuospatial perception in CRPS patients, which might be the result of the involvement of supraspinal mechanisms in this pain syndrome. These mechanisms might accentuate the leftward bias that results from a right-hemispheric dominance in visuospatial processing and is known as pseudoneglect. Pseudoneglect reveals itself in the tendency to perceive the midpoint of horizontal lines or the subjective body midline left of the centre. It was observable in all 3 groups, but most pronounced in CRPS patients, which might be due to the cortical reorganisation processes associated with this syndrome.
Comparative Study
Predictors of postoperative movement and resting pain following total knee replacement.
This study determined preoperative predictors of movement and resting pain following total knee replacement (TKR). We hypothesized that younger patients with higher preoperative pain intensity, pain sensitivity, trait anxiety, pain catastrophizing, and depression would be more likely to experience higher postoperative movement pain than older patients with lower scores on these variables prior to surgery, and that predictors would be similar for resting pain. Demographics, analgesic intake, anxiety, depression, pain catastrophizing, resting pain, movement pain (ie, during active knee range of motion), and quantitative sensory tests were performed preoperatively on 215 participants scheduled for a unilateral TKR. ⋯ These results suggest that patients with higher preoperative pain and depression are more likely to have higher pain following TKR, and younger patients may have higher resting pain. Cutaneous pain sensitivity predicted movement pain but not resting pain, suggesting that mechanisms underlying movement pain are different from resting pain. Aggressive management of preoperative pain, pain sensitivity, and depression prior to surgery may facilitate postoperative recovery.
Comparative Study
Mechanical allodynia but not thermal hyperalgesia is impaired in mice deficient for ERK2 in the central nervous system.
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) plays critical roles in pain plasticity. However, the specific contribution of ERK2 isoforms to pain plasticity is not necessarily elucidated. Here we investigate the function of ERK2 in mouse pain models. ⋯ In Erk2 CKO mice, compensatory hyperphosphorylation of ERK1 was detected in the spinal cord. However, ERK1 did not appear to influence nociceptive processing because the additional inhibition of ERK1 phosphorylation using MEK (MAPK/ERK kinase) inhibitor SL327 did not produce additional changes in formalin-induced spontaneous behaviors in Erk2 CKO mice. Together, these results indicate that ERK2 plays a predominant and/or specific role in pain plasticity, while the contribution of ERK1 is limited.