Sciatica after disc herniation may be associated with compression of spinal nerves, but also inflammatory substances released from the nucleus pulposus (NP) leaking into the spinal canal. Here, in an animal model mimicking clinical intervertebral disc herniation, we investigate the effect of NP on neuronal activity. In anaesthetized Lewis rats, extracellular single-unit recordings of spinal dorsal horn neurons were performed, and the C-fibre responses were examined. ⋯ In accordance with earlier studies, we showed a significant increase in the C-fibre response and an upregulation of the gene expression of interleukin 1β and tumour necrosis factor 180 minutes after application of NP onto the nerve roots. Moreover, based on a polymerase chain reaction array of 84 common inflammatory cytokines at the same time point, we demonstrated a highly significant upregulation of colony-stimulating factor 1 also termed macrophage colony-stimulating factor and Fas ligand. The pronounced upregulation of Csf1 and Fas ligand 180 minutes after application of NP onto the nerve roots suggests that macrophage activation and apoptosis may be involved in pain hypersensitivity and other sensory abnormalities after disc herniation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Management of acute whiplash: A randomized controlled trial of multidisciplinary stratified treatments.
Acute whiplash is a heterogeneous disorder that becomes persistent in 40% to 60% of cases. Estimates of recovery have not changed in recent decades. This randomized, single-blind, controlled trial tested whether multidisciplinary individualized treatments for patients with acute whiplash (<4 weeks postinjury) could reduce the incidence of chronicity at 6 mo by 50% compared to usual care. ⋯ Analysis revealed no significant differences in frequency of recovery (NDI ≤ 8%) between pragmatic and usual care groups at 6 months (OR 95%, CI=0.55, 0.23-1.29), P=0.163) or 12 mo (OR 95%, CI=0.65, 0.28-1.47, P=0.297). There was no improvement in current nonrecovery rates at 6 mo (63.6%, pragmatic care; 48.8%, usual care), indicating no advantage of the early multiprofessional intervention. Baseline levels of pain and disability had a significant bearing on recovery both at 6 and 12 mo in both groups, suggesting that future research focus on finding early effective pain management, particularly for the subgroup of patients with initial high levels of pain and disability, towards improving recovery rates.
The biopsychosocial model is increasingly accepted in low back pain (LBP) research and clinical practice. In order to assess the role of psychological factors in the development and persistence of pain, a wide array of measures has been developed. Yet there is likely to be considerable conceptual overlap between such measures, and consequently, a lack of clarity about the importance of psychological factors. ⋯ Results confirmed that considerable overlap exists in psychological measures commonly used in LBP research. Most measures tap into patients' emotional distress. These findings help us to understand how psychological constructs relate together; implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.
Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in chronic pain patients. Understanding their relationship has become an important research topic since poor sleep and pain are assumed to closely interact. To date, human experimental studies exploring the impact of sleep disruption/deprivation on pain perception have yielded conflicting results. ⋯ TSD selectively modulated nociception, since detection thresholds of non-nociceptive modalities remained unchanged. Our findings show that a single night of TSD is able to induce generalized hyperalgesia and to increase State Anxiety scores. In the future, TSD may serve as a translational pain model to elucidate the pathomechanisms underlying the hyperalgesic effect of sleep disturbances.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Hypnotic susceptibility modulates brain activity related to experimental placebo analgesia.
Identifying personality traits and neural signatures that predict placebo responsiveness is important, both on theoretical and practical grounds. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we performed multiple-regression interaction analysis to investigate whether hypnotic susceptibility (HS), a cognitive trait referring to the responsiveness to suggestions, explains interindividual differences in the neural mechanisms related to conditioned placebo analgesia in healthy volunteers. HS was not related to the overall strength of placebo analgesia. ⋯ During pain perception, activity in the regions reflecting attention/arousal (bilateral anterior thalamus/left caudate) and self-related processing (left precuneus and bilateral posterior temporal foci) was negatively related to the strength of the analgesic placebo response in subjects with higher HS, but not in subjects with lower HS. These findings highlight HS influences on brain circuits related to the placebo analgesic effects. More generally, they demonstrate that different neural mechanisms can be involved in placebo responsiveness, depending on individual cognitive traits.