Chronic headache is common in the elderly, but there is little specific research on the impact on quality of life of headache and beliefs about pain in this age group. This study investigated the influence of headache type as well as headache frequency (> or =15 headache days/month vs. <15 headache days/month) on quality of life and determined the relationships between elder's well-being, pain beliefs and related headache features including commonly reported neck pain. 118 headache subjects and 44 non-headache controls, aged 60-75 years, were recruited from the community. Subjects completed a headache questionnaire for classification purposes, the SF-36, the Geriatric Depression Scale-short form (GDS-S), the Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA-35) and the Neck Disability Index (NDI). ⋯ The NDI score had the greatest influence on physical well-being and GDS-S score on mental well-being (p < 0.001). The results suggest that frequency of headache has an impact on health-related quality of life in elders. Notably, the level of neck pain and disability is an important factor influencing well-being and may warrant attention in the management of elders with chronic headache.
The perioperative assessment and management of elderly patients with hip fracture and significant aortic stenosis (AS) is an increasingly common clinical problem with little data available to guide perioperative management. ⋯ Our results demonstrate that elderly patients with severe AS can safely undergo repair of hip fractures with a mortality and morbidity comparable with a control population. These patients should not be denied surgery on the basis of their aortic valve disease.
Functional status in older people is a dynamic situation, which makes it necessary to evaluate functional capacity at different times to determinate their prognostic value. ⋯ The main functional gain obtained after treatment in a multidisciplinary post-acute geriatric unit is independently associated with a reduction in long-term mortality. In addition to baseline functional status and after acute illness, the subsequent potential recovery is very important to predict poor long-term outcomes.
Both age and dementia have been shown to have an effect on nociception and pain processing. The question arises whether mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is thought to be a transitional stage between normal ageing and dementia, is also associated with alterations in pain processing. ⋯ The pain response system appeared to be quite unaltered in MCI patients compared to cognitively unimpaired individuals of the same age. Only the sympathetic responsiveness qualified as an indicator of early aging effects as well as of pathophysiology associated with MCI, which both seemed to affect the pain system independently from each other.
Older people often experience unusual sleeping patterns and a poor quality of night-time sleep. Insufficient sleep has potential effects on cognition and physical functioning and therefore may increase the incidence of falls in older people. ⋯ Sleep disturbances were common and associated with a variety of psychological, physiological, health and lifestyle factors. Long daytime naps and short night-time sleep periods were associated with an increased risk of falls.