The New England journal of medicine
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Effects of dihydrocodeine, alcohol, and caffeine on breathlessness and exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and normal blood gases.
We measured breathlessness and exercise tolerance in 12 patients with chronic airways obstruction, moderate or severe breathlessness, and low or normal arterial carbon dioxide tension, after the patients received dihydrocodeine, alcohol, caffeine, or placebo (through double-blind administration). Forty-five minutes after ingestion, dihydrocodeine had reduced breathlessness by 20 per cent and increased exercise tolerance by 18 per cent, with a reduction in ventilation and oxygen consumption at submaximal work loads but with no change in spirometric volumes. ⋯ Caffeine had no deleterious effect on breathlessness or exercise tolerance, despite increasing ventilation during rest and exercise. We conclude that opiates may be valuable for the treatment of breathlessness in selected patients; further evaluation is needed, particularly of the long-term benefits and safety.