Medical education
This review aimed to synthesise some of the extant work on the use of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for postgraduate physicians, to assess the quality of the work and provide direction for future research and practice. ⋯ This review highlighted a need for: (i) consideration of best practice guidelines for EPA development; (ii) focus on the methodological quality of research on EPA development and of EPAs, and (iii) further work investigating the implementation of EPAs in the curriculum.
Direct observation is the foundation of assessment and learning in competency-based medical education (CBME). Despite its importance, there is significant uncertainty about how to effectively implement frequent and high-quality direct observation. This is particularly true in specialties where observation of non-procedural skills is highly valued and presents unique challenges. It is therefore important to understand perceptions of direct observation to ensure successful acceptance and implementation. In this study, we explored perceptions of direct observation in internal medicine. ⋯ In an internal medicine training programme, perceptions of what constitutes direct observation can lead to under-recognition and hinder acceptance in workplace-based assessment and learning. Our results suggest a reframing of 'direct observation' for residents and attending physicians, by explicitly identifying desired skills in non-procedurally-based specialties. These findings may help CBME-based training programmes improve the process of direct observation, leading to enhanced assessment and learning.
Competency-based medical education has spurred the implementation of longitudinal workplace-based assessment (WBA) programmes to track learners' development of competencies. These hinge on the appropriate use of assessment instruments by assessors. This study aimed to validate our assessment programme and specifically to explore whether assessors' beliefs and behaviours rendered the detection of progress possible. ⋯ Assessors may purposefully deviate from instructions in order to meet their ethical standards of good assessment. Furthermore, generic competencies may be viewed as intrinsic and fixed rather than as learnable. Implementing a longitudinal WBA programme is complex and requires careful consideration of assessors' beliefs and values.
Gender inequality remains prevalent worldwide in academic medicine. A closer look into women physicians' gendered experiences through the lens of culture is necessary to advance understanding of gender inequality in this context. Relatively few studies, however, have investigated how social and cultural practices implicitly yet significantly affect gender inequality throughout women physicians' careers. ⋯ The dynamics of cultural and social practices constantly and implicitly recreate mechanisms to maintain gender inequality in academic medicine in South Korea. Planned culture changes at individual, organisational and national levels are imperative to discontinue the vicious cycle that exists in the labyrinth of women physicians' career development in academic medicine.
The concept of entrustment has garnered significant attention in medical specialties, despite variability in supervision styles and entrustment decisions. There is a need to further study the enactment of supervision on inpatient wards to inform competency-based assessment design. ⋯ We propose that a supervisor's perceived responsibility for the ward underlies adjustments between 'hands-on' (i.e. personal ward responsibility) and 'hands-off' (i.e. shared ward responsibility) styles. Our approaches to clinical supervision model combines this responsibility tension with the tension between patient care and teaching to illustrate four supervisory approaches, each with unique priorities influencing entrustment. Given the fluidity in supervision, documenting changes in oversight strategies, rather than absolute levels of entrustment, may be more informative for assessment purposes. Research is needed to determine if there is sufficient association between the supervision provided, the entrustment decision made and the supervisor's trust in a trainee to use these as proxies in assessing a trainee's competence.