The American journal of sports medicine
Superior labrum anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesion is a common shoulder injury, particularly in overhead athletes. While surgical management has traditionally consisted of SLAP repair, high rates of revision and complications have led to alternative techniques, such as biceps tenodesis (BT). While BT is commonly reserved for older nonoverhead athletes, indications for its use have expanded in recent years. ⋯ BT in the overhead athlete offers encouraging functional outcomes and return-to-sports rates, particularly in the recreational athlete. It can be successfully performed as an index operation rather than SLAP repair, as well as in a younger patient population. Careful consideration should be given to elite overhead athletes, particularly pitchers, who tend to experience poorer outcomes.
Improvement in patient-reported outcomes (PROs) has been reported in the short term after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) and labral tear in the setting of acetabular overcoverage. Yet, there is a paucity of information in the literature on midterm PROs. ⋯ In the context of FAIS, labral tears, and acetabular overcoverage, patients who underwent hip arthroscopy reported significant improvement in several PROs at minimum 5-year follow-up. Moreover, outcomes were comparable with those of a propensity-matched control group without acetabular overcoverage. Furthermore, the rate of achieving the MCID for the mHHS, HOS-SSS, and NAHS was similar between these groups.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (HA) are 2 nonoperative treatment options for knee osteoarthritis (OA) that are supposed to provide symptomatic relief and help delay surgical intervention. ⋯ Patients undergoing treatment for knee OA with PRP can be expected to experience improved clinical outcomes when compared with HA. Additionally, leukocyte-poor PRP may be a superior line of treatment for knee OA over leukocyte-rich PRP, although further studies are needed that directly compare leukocyte content in PRP injections for treatment of knee OA.
The treatment of pincer deformity in hip arthroscopy remains controversial, with some authors advocating that over resection may risk early joint deterioration. The role of acetabular resection depth and postoperative acetabular morphology on postoperative outcomes has yet to be defined. ⋯ Patients with postoperative LCEA values outside the normal reference range and with large resections perform similar to those with normal postoperative LCEA values and smaller resections at a minimum 5-year follow-up.
Significant short-term improvements in function and pain after arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) have been demonstrated regardless of mass index (BMI). No studies have reported the influence of obesity on mid- to long-term outcomes. ⋯ There were significant improvements in at least 1 outcome score across all BMI groups with arthroscopic treatment of FAIS. While the normal weight patients demonstrated universal improvement in all patient-reported outcomes and significantly greater likelihood of achieving PASS and SCB, the higher BMI groups still demonstrated significant improvement in function and pain, except for the morbidly obese group. Patients with morbid obesity demonstrated long-term pain improvement, although they did not experience functional improvement.