Magnetic resonance images of cervical compression myelopathy were retrospectively analyzed in comparison with surgical outcomes. ⋯ The low-signal intensity changes on T1-weighted sequences indicated a poor prognosis. The authors speculate that high-signal intensity changes on T2 weighted images include a broad spectrum of compressive myelomalacic pathologies and reflect a broad spectrum of spinal cord recuperative potentials. Predictors of surgical outcomes are preoperative signal intensity change pattern of the spinal cord on radiologic evaluations, age at the time of surgery, and chronicity of the disease.
Dissection of 37 human cadavers was performed to assess the variability in the vascular anatomy anterior to the L5-S1 disc space. ⋯ The middle sacral artery, present in 100% of the specimens, is a poor anatomic landmark for locating the midline at L5-S1. Because the average space available between the left common iliac vein and the right common iliac artery is 33.5 mm, and because the left common iliac vein averages only 12 mm from midline, the surgeon must be prepared to mobilize the local vasculature in most cases to expose the L5-S1 disc space adequately.