A retrospective study. ⋯ Thoracic pedicle screw fixation is a reliable method of treating spinal deformities, with an excellent deformity correction and a high margin of safety.
Clinical Trial
Minimum 2-year analysis of sacropelvic fixation and L5-S1 fusion using S1 and iliac screws.
An analysis of lumbosacral fusions for high-grade spondylolisthesis fusions with reduction and long fusions to the sacrum in ambulatory adults. ⋯ Bilateral iliac screws coupled with bilateral S1 screws provide excellent distal fixation for lumbosacral fusions with a high fusion rate (95.1%) in high-grade spondylolisthesis and long fusions to the sacrum. Previous iliac crest harvesting does not prevent ipsilateral screw placement (34 of 36 patients) or additional iliac harvesting (78 of 80 patients).
A retrospective study to determine the efficacy of posterior-only unit rod instrumentation and fusion in a skeletally immature neuromuscular scoliosis population. ⋯ These results indicate that even in the very young neuromuscular patient, acceptable amounts of curve correction can be achieved and maintained with posterior-only unit rod instrumentation and fusion. The biomechanical stiffness of this construct seemed to be able to prevent the crankshaft phenomenon in the majority of those patients at risk.
Comparative Study
Effectiveness of bracing in male patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
A review of a clinical series was performed. ⋯ Bracing of male patients with idiopathic scoliosis is ineffective. Curves measuring > or =30 degrees are very likely to progress to surgery, especially in immature patients.
A retrospective study of 26 patients with degenerative flat back treated with corrective osteotomy. ⋯ Degenerative flat back could be classified into two types based on pelvic position during walking: one with posterior pelvic tilt and the other with marked anterior pelvic tilt. In the former type, corrective surgery improved the stooping. In the latter, corrective surgery was ineffective, resulting in postoperative persistent stooping.