A review of the literature on disc nutrition. ⋯ Loss of nutrient supply can lead to cell death, loss of matrix production, and increase in matrix degradation and hence to disc degeneration.
Case Reports
Epidural abscess and discitis complicating instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion: a case report.
A case of epidural abscess and discitis following instrumented PLIF using a single carbon fiber interbody cage is presented. ⋯ There is a paucity of literature on epidural abscess and discitis as complications associated with PLIF. In this case, the infection persisted despite surgical debridement and intravenous antibiotics. The patient ultimately required removal of the interbody implant and posterior instrumentation. The patient developed solid posterolateral arthrodesis despite the presence of deep infection, which led to early implant removal 4 months after the initial surgery. This case underscores the potential importance of concomitant posterolateral fusion, particularly following wide laminectomy and facetectomy required for PLIF.
Case Reports
Fenestration of vertebral artery at the craniovertebral junction in Down syndrome: a case report.
Case report of a Down syndrome patient with right vertebral artery fenestration and abnormalities of the craniovertebral junction. ⋯ Before corrective surgery of craniovertebral junction anomalies in patients with Down syndrome, the possibility of vertebral artery anomalies associated with abnormal craniovertebral junction anatomy should be considered. With preoperative 3-dimensional computed tomography angiography, we can precisely identify the anomalous vertebral artery and modify the surgical approach to reduce the possible risk of intraoperative vertebral artery injury in advance.
Because mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into chondrocyte-like cells, we ask the question, can mesenchymal stem cells commit to the nucleus pulposus phenotype? ⋯ Our results indicate that hypoxia and transforming growth factor-beta drive mesenchymal stem cell differentiation towards a phenotype consistent with that of the nucleus pulposus. Measurement of selected signaling molecules and response to specific inhibitors suggest involvement of MAPK signaling pathways. It is concluded that mesenchymal stem cells could be used to repopulate the damaged or degenerate intervertebral disc.
Experiments using both in vitro tissue culture and in vivo rabbit methods were used to study the effect of Lim Mineralization Protein-1 (LMP-1) on intervertebral disc (IVD) cell production of proteoglycans and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). ⋯ LMP-1 overexpression increases disc cell production of proteoglycan, BMP-2, and BMP-7. LMP-1 mediates the control of proteoglycan production through its action on BMP.