An in vitro biomechanical study on lumbar intervertebral joints. ⋯ The posterior elements of the lumbar spine are more efficient in resisting anterior and posterior shear loads. However, the anterior column will exhibit similar load-displacement characteristics if subject to greater deformations. The sum of the normalized mean shear loads of the anterior column and posterior elements sustained at maximum intact deformation is significantly different from the shear load sustained by the intact spine at the same deformation. A simple concept of load sharing between the anterior column and the posterior elements may not be valid.
A case-control study using radiograph findings and the PCR assay with regard to the susceptibility and the severity of ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine (OPLL). ⋯ The present results suggest that the IVS20-11delT variant of the NPPS gene and the A861G variant of the leptin receptor gene are associated with more extensive OPLL, but not with the frequency with which it occurs.
A retrospective review of spinal deformity in patients with congenital heart disease surgically treated through a median sternotomy before the age of 8 years. Assessment was done on chest roentgenograms at skeletal maturity. ⋯ There is a high prevalence of scoliosis in patients with congenital heart disease surgically treated through a median sternotomy. The prevalence of scoliosis increases in patients operated at an earlier age.
The authors evaluated a case series of 5 patients with cerebral palsy and a previously placed subcutaneous reservoir for continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion to control spasticity who underwent spinal arthrodesis with posterior instrumentation for progressive neuromuscular scoliosis deformities. ⋯ Low pressure headaches resulting from a cerebrospinal fluid leak following catheter reinsertion may occur in the postoperative period. Preoperative concerns with the baclofen pump reservoir placed subcutaneously and pressure sores were not seen with careful prone positioning on a 4-poster frame. Progression of scoliosis in patients with cerebral palsy requiring spinal arthrodesis was demonstrated in 4 of the patients after continuous intrathecal baclofen was started. The progression of the spinal deformity as a consequence of growth, natural history, or the intrathecal baclofen infusion is unknown at the present time.
Cross-sectional cohort study of a general population. ⋯ In children, degenerative disc findings are relatively common, and some are associated with LBP. There appears to be a gender difference. Disc protrusions, endplate changes, and anterolisthesis in the lumbar spine were strongly associated with seeking care for LBP.