Mechanobiology study of gene expression changes as a result of compressive overload of anular fibrochondrocytes. ⋯ The up-regulation of the ECM genes with nominal pressure highlights the mechanobiological importance of common activity in fibrocartilage homeostasis. Differential regulation of the 2 primary collagen types with high pressure indicates a capacity of the anulus to remodel according to pathomechanical conditions.
A point prevalence survey of 72,699 schoolchildren in four age groups was performed. ⋯ The overall prevalence rate of idiopathic scoliosis in our school population in 1997 was 0.93% in girls and 0.25% in boys. The prevalence rates were low at 6 to 7 and 9 to 10 years of age but increased rapidly to 1.37% and 2.22% for girls at 11 to 12 and 13 to 14 years of age, respectively. The prevalence rate increased significantly in 11- to 12-year-old girls over a 15-year period from 1982 to 1997. Screening of 11- to 12- and 13- to 14-year-old girls identified a significant number who could benefit from brace treatment.
A prospective cohort study. ⋯ We developed a novel back school using a multidisciplinary team approach, featuring quantitative functional evaluation and therapeutic exercises. The current study demonstrated that our program could provide a satisfactory result for the treatment of patients with CLBP. The quantitative functional evaluation was a worthwhile outcome measure when evaluating the efficacy of the treatment program. Teaching body mechanics and performing the therapeutic exercises through the multidisciplinary team approach are essential to managing CLBP in a general setting.
The effect of edaravone, a novel free radical scavenger, was assessed functionally and histologically using a rat spinal cord contusion model. ⋯ Edaravone enhanced functional recovery and preserved more spinal cord tissue after spinal cord injury in rats. The attenuation of posttraumatic lipid peroxide formation by edaravone partially contributed to this enhancement.
Case Reports
Posterior transcanal lumbar interbody fusion for septic vertebral fracture pseudarthrosis and sitting imbalance.
Case report. ⋯ This extremely rare case focuses on the use of the transcanal approach to treat adequately lumbar septic pseudarthrosis and restore lumbar lordosis in definitively paraplegic patients in whom no anterior approach can be used.