Comparative Study
Development of the Italian version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-I): cross-cultural adaptation, factor analysis, reliability, and validity.
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a translated and culturally adapted questionnaire. ⋯ The TSK was successfully translated into Italian, showing a good factorial structure and psychometric properties, and replicating the results of existing English versions of the questionnaire. Its use is recommended for research purposes.
Comparative Study
Ligamentum flavum thickness in normal and stenotic lumbar spines.
A descriptive computed tomography (CT) study of the ligamentum flavum (LF) thickness in individuals with normal and stenotic lumbar spines. ⋯ LF thickness is an age-dependent and gender-independent phenomenon. LF is significantly thicker on the right side. The borderline between normal and pathologic LF thickness should not be set at 4 mm.
Case description. ⋯ An unpredictable extensive epidural hematoma can occur after blunt trauma of the cervicothoracic spine in patients at low risk for hemorrhage. This case illustrates that immediate surgical intervention may not always be necessary in certain patients with TSEH. Conservative management with careful observation may play a role as a management option for patients initially presenting with severe neurologic dysfunction if neurologic recovery is early and sustained.
Comparative Study
The central hip vertical axis: a reference axis for the Scoliosis Research Society three-dimensional classification of idiopathic scoliosis.
Reliability comparison of 2 radiographic axis systems by inter- and intraobserver variability. ⋯ The CHVA is more reproducible and showed better intra- and interobserver agreement, when compared with the CSVL for the identification of the lumbar modifier. The CHVA can be easily computed in 3D and represents the physiologic center of balance of the spino-pelvic unit because it takes into account femoral head support. We recommend keeping the CSVL for 2-dimensional measurement to adapt the measures relative to the CSVL to the proposed CHVA axis and adopting CHVA as the reference axis for 3D evaluation of idiopathic scoliosis.
Retrospective review of prospectively collected data. ⋯ Vertebral artery injuries are more likely to occur in C2 fractures with comminuted fractures involving the foramen transversarium, with fractures manifesting bony fragment(s) within the foramen transversarium, or with fractures having greater angulation. These risk factors should be considered when a patient presents with isolated axis fracture.